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Anoka County City of Lino Lakes <br />unit of government or the mining activity is allowed under local ordinance. The disclosure <br />must include a statement from a registered professional geologist, engineer, or soil <br />scientist delineating the deposit and certifying that it is a commercial aggregate deposit. <br />For purposes of this section and section 273.1115, "commercial aggregate deposit" means <br />a deposit that will yield crushed stone or sand and gravel that is suitable for use as a <br />construction aggregate; and "actively mined" means the removal of top soil and <br />overburden in preparation for excavation or excavation of a commercial deposit. (n) When <br />any portion of the property under this subdivision or subdivision 22 begins to be actively <br />mined, the owner must file a supplemental affidavit within 60 days from the day any <br />aggregate is removed stating the number of acres of the property that is actively being <br />mined. The acres actively being mined must be (1) valued and classified under subdivision <br />24 in the next subsequent assessment year, and (2) removed from the aggregate resource <br />preservation property tax program under section 273.1115, if the land was enrolled in that <br />program. Copies of the original affidavit and all supplemental affidavits must be filed with <br />the county assessor, the local zoning administrator, and the Department of Natural <br />Resources, Division of Land and Minerals. A supplemental affidavit must be filed each <br />time a subsequent portion of the property is actively mined, provided that the minimum <br />acreage change is five acres, even if the actual mining activity constitutes less than five <br />acres. (o) The definitions prescribed by the commissioner under paragraphs (c) and (d) <br />are not rules and are exempt from the rulemaking provisions of chapter 14, and the <br />provisions in section 14.386 concerning exempt rules do not apply. <br />Subd. 24.Class 3. <br />(a) Commercial and industrial property and utility real and personal property is class 3a. <br />(1) Except as otherwise provided, each parcel of commercial, industrial, or utility real <br />property has a class rate of 1.5 percent of the first tier of market value, and 2.0 percent of <br />the remaining market value. In the case of contiguous parcels of property owned by the <br />same person or entity, only the value equal to the first -tier value of the contiguous parcels <br />qualifies for the reduced class rate, except that contiguous parcels owned by the same <br />person or entity shall be eligible for the first -tier value class rate on each separate <br />business operated by the owner of the property, provided the business is housed in a <br />separate structure. For the purposes of this subdivision, the first tier means the first <br />$150,000 of market value. Real property owned in fee by a utility for transmission line <br />right -of -way shall be classified at the class rate for the higher tier. For purposes of this <br />subdivision, parcels are considered to be contiguous even if they are separated from each <br />other by a road, street, waterway, or other similar intervening type of property. <br />Connections between parcels that consist of power lines or pipelines do not cause the <br />parcels to be contiguous. Property owners who have contiguous parcels of property that <br />constitute separate businesses that may qualify for the first -tier class rate shall notify the <br />assessor by July 1, for treatment beginning in the following taxes payable year. (2) All <br />personal property that is: (i) part of an electric generation, transmission, or distribution <br />system; or (ii) part of a pipeline system transporting or distributing water, gas, crude oil, or <br />petroleum products; and (iii) not described in clause (3), and all railroad operating property <br />has a class rate as provided under clause (1) for the first tier of market value and the <br />remaining market value. In the case of multiple parcels in one county that are owned by <br />one person or entity, only one first tier amount is eligible for the reduced rate. (3) The <br />entire market value of personal property that is: (i) tools, implements, and machinery of an <br />electric generation, transmission, or distribution system; (ii) tools, implements, and <br />machinery of a pipeline system transporting or distributing water, gas, crude oil, or <br />petroleum products; or (iii) the mains and pipes used in the distribution of steam or hot or <br />chilled water for heating or cooling buildings, has a class rate as provided under clause (1) <br />for the remaining market value in excess of the first tier. (b) Employment property defined <br />in section 469.166, during the period provided in section 469.170, shall constitute class <br />41 <br />