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Anoka County City of Lino Lakes <br />used for commercial purposes has the same class rates as class 4bb property, (ii) <br />manufactured home parks assessed under clause (5) have the same class rate as class <br />4b property, (iii) commercial -use seasonal residential recreational property and marina <br />recreational land as described in clause (11), has a class rate of one percent for the first <br />$500,000 of market value, and 1.25 percent for the remaining market value, (iv) the market <br />value of property described in clause (4) has a class rate of one percent, (v) the market <br />value of property described in clauses (2), (6), and (10) has a class rate of 1.25 percent, <br />and (vi) that portion of the market value of property in clause (9) qualifying for class 4c <br />property has a class rate of 1.25 percent. (e) Class 4d property is qualifying low- income <br />rental housing certified to the assessor by the Housing Finance Agency under section <br />273.128, subdivision 3. If only a portion of the units in the building qualify as low- income <br />rental housing units as certified under section 273.128, subdivision 3, only the proportion <br />of qualifying units to the total number of units in the building qualify for class 4d. The <br />remaining portion of the building shall be classified by the assessor based upon its use. <br />Class 4d also includes the same proportion of land as the qualifying low- income rental <br />housing units are to the total units in the building. For all properties qualifying as class 4d, <br />the market value determined by the assessor must be based on the normal approach to <br />value using normal unrestricted rents. Class 4d property has a class rate of 0.75 percent. <br />Subd. 25a.Elderly assisted living facility property. <br />"Elderly assisted living facility property" means residential real estate containing more than <br />one unit held for use by the tenants or lessees as a residence for periods of 30 days or <br />more, along with community rooms, lounges, activity rooms, and related facilities, <br />designed to meet the housing, health, and financial security needs of the elderly. The real <br />estate may be owned by an individual, partnership, limited partnership, for - profit <br />corporation or nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income taxation under United <br />States Code, title 26, section 501(c)(3) or related sections. An admission or initiation fee <br />may be required of tenants. Monthly charges may include charges for the residential unit, <br />meals, housekeeping, utilities, social programs, a health care alert system, or any <br />combination of them. On -site health care may be provided by in -house staff or an outside <br />health care provider. The assessor shall classify elderly assisted living facility property, <br />depending upon the property's ownership, occupancy, and use. The applicable class rates <br />shall apply based on its classification, if taxable. <br />Subd. 26. [Repealed, 1987 c 268 art 6 s 53] <br />Subd. 27. [Repealed, 1987 c 268 art 6 s 53] <br />Subd. 28. [Repealed, 1987 c 268 art 6 s 53] <br />Subd. 29. [Repealed, 1987 c 268 art 6 s 53] <br />Subd. 30. [Repealed, 1988 c 719 art 5 s 81] <br />Subd. 31.Class 5. <br />Class 5 property includes: (1) unmined iron ore and low -grade iron - bearing formations as <br />defined in section 273.14; and (2) all other property not otherwise classified. Class 5 <br />property has a class rate of 2.0 percent of market value. <br />Subd. 32. [Repealed, 1998 c 389 art 2 s 211 <br />Subd. 33.Classification of unimproved property. <br />(a) All real property that is not improved with a structure must be classified according to its <br />current use. (b) Except as provided in subdivision 23, paragraph (c) or (d), real property <br />that is not improved with a structure and for which there is no identifiable current use must <br />be classified according to its highest and best use permitted under the local zoning <br />ordinance. If the ordinance permits more than one use, the land must be classified <br />according to the highest and best use permitted under the ordinance. If no such ordinance <br />exists, the assessor shall consider the most likely potential use of the unimproved land <br />based upon the use made of surrounding land or land in proximity to the unimproved land. <br />Subd. 34. Homestead of disabled veteran. (a) All or a portion of the market value of <br />45 <br />