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• <br />• <br />WS — Item 4 <br />WORK SESSION STAFF REPORT <br />Work Session Item 4 <br />Date: December 6, 2010 <br />To: City Council <br />From: Jeff 'Carlson, City Administrator <br />Re: Proposed Amendment to Dangerous Animal Ordinance <br />Background <br />Councilmember Roeser has proposed an amendment to the dangerous animal ordinance. <br />Currently, the ordinance specifies in Section 503.16(7) that once the police have <br />determined an animal to be dangerous, the following procedure will be followed: <br />(a) The animal control officer shall cause one owner of the animal to be notified <br />in writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal <br />seized or make orders deemed proper. This owner shall be notified as to dates, <br />times, places, and parties bitten and shall be given 14 days to appeal this order by <br />requesting a hearing before the City Council for a review of this determination. <br />Mr. Roeser is proposing that once the police have deemed an animal to be dangerous, the <br />animal be seized and quarantined at the owners expense until a hearing has been held and <br />the Council considers the following actions: (1) the animal be destroyed; (2) moved out <br />of the City, or (3) the owner meets all the required conditions within 14 days, as stated in <br />the ordinance and state law, in order to keep the animal. <br />Requested Council Direction <br />The Council is being asked to consider this amendment. <br />