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Village of Lino Lakes <br />Anoka County, Minnesota <br />COMPEM'.t`S ON FAIANCE SflE T IBS <br />•Ez1 tbit A presents the financial condition of the Vi11aae by Funde as <br />of December 31, 1910. A comparative ba1mce sheet of all funds combined is <br />presented in Each .bit C, which shown the financial position of the Village in <br />comparative foray with that at the end of the preceding year. seta: 3 c on <br />balance sheet items are shown in Schedules A-1 through A -6. Further eaplanntions, <br />analyses, or listings are presented iu the neat several paragraphs of these <br />comments -. <br />CASH O HAND AND p# FiAi t - $0: 941.62: <br />The cash on baud consisted of petty cash funds for a total of :75.00. <br />The sum of 160, 966..62 wee carried in the bark check aig accouuat. <br />Cash in bank =a verified by tenting the transactions, by coo uni^.ati g <br />directly with the depoait:ory, and by reconciliation ns shown in Schedule bal.. <br />Temporary ezeeua f'uz?ds had been placed in caaving3 ce_tiflca4es. for a total of <br />$3,900.00, earning in;:ereat: at 5 %. <br />The Cs3ntennia? State Banc: of Leaiegten had been deaie aced as the <br />depository for Village Fends. Co11at_era 1 or 150,000.00 in U. S. Government <br />bonds was pledged by the bank as security for Village funds on deposit. <br />Federal deposit insurance, carried by the bank for $20,.000.00 on each ctatomer, <br />provides additional protection for Village lamas. <br />TAXES RECEIVABLE a $149 118.32: <br />Current taxes ere those which were placed oa the 1970 1ov)' and are <br />collectible in 1971. They amounted to $117,411.55, as detailed in Schedule A -2 <br />by funds. <br />Delinquent trine are those levied for prior :ors, wiich are due but <br />have not been .col7ectcd. These 'e ^ es amounted. to 13a706.77, cove:i do , the Iztst <br />six years, as summarized in Schedule A -3. The delinquent taxes have decreased <br />by about $500.00 fro those ac one year ago. Specie/ assessments have been <br />essentially all collected. <br />Per capita sales tans again is expected to be received from the State Sales <br />Tax Fund, based oa the 1970 census count of 3,692, at $7.13 per person, <br />mounting to about $26, 300.00.. I. audition, the state will remit. special <br />refunda for prior years, so that the total estimated amount receivable is <br />about 128s.O00. 00.. <br />laRAL D S Properties . - 1182a/96.22: <br />village-owned properties are summarized in Schedule A-4, with 1970 <br />additions for a total of $104,84G.22 detailed in Schedule A -4a. Where <br />-2- <br />