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DEFERRED REVENUE - 07,099.02.: <br />Since the village fends are maintained on a cash basis-, the unrealised <br />revenue from receivables, reduced by liabilities, is ehown'as an off - setting contra <br />account .. deferred revenue. In other words, no ' revenue is reflected in the fund; <br />until received in cash, nor are liabilities (unpaid bills) reflected in disburse - <br />ments until paid in cash. The receivables and payable) are reflected. on the balance. <br />sheet for information purposes only. <br />SURPLUS - 878,984.40: <br />The net worth of the village is reflected by the surplus. accounts. <br />Surplus Invested in Fixed Assets represents the village's investment in general <br />fixed assets (properties). FUnd Balances represent cash or investsents only, <br />since the various village finds are maintained on a cash basis. <br />II - COMMENTS ON FUND TRANSACTIONS <br />Exhibit B presents a summary of the cash receipts and disbursements by <br />funds for the year 1968, showing the fund balance remaining in each fund as of <br />December 81, 1968. Schedules B-1 through B-8 present detailed analyses of the <br />cash transactions in the various funds together with comparable budget estimates <br />as made by the Village Council a year in advance. Condensed comparisons of re: <br />ceipts and disbursements for the General Fund and for the Road and Bridge Fund <br />with those of the prior year are presented in Schedules &.la and .B- 6a,'respectively. <br />These two schedules should be helpful is making comparisons of fund transactions <br />for the past two years. All the funds ended with debit balances (in the black) <br />after a transfer of $5,000.00 from the Park and Playgrounds Fund to the Road and <br />Bridge Fund. The balance of 8258.78 remaining in the Special Ditch Assessment Fund <br />was closed out by transfer to the General Fund. Total of all fund balances at <br />817,217.62 had increased by 89,469.97 from those of one year. ago. ' <br />• <br />We confirmed the tax receipts directly with the County Auditor.. Other <br />receipts were checked against duplicate receipts issued, licenses and other <br />supporting Memoranda. .Disbursements were properly listed in Council minutes, <br />supported by invoices and checks signed by the Mayor and the Clerk..Treasurer. <br />III - GENERAL COMMENTS <br />• Based-on oUr examination of the accounts and records of'the Village <br />Clerk.Treasurer, we conclude that the. records were reasonably well kept. The <br />Village is in a sound financial condition and is isproving, The Village books <br />are maintained on the usual cash basis as is customary for municipalities,.but we <br />have tried to develop as complete a financial picture as reasonably possible on. <br />the'Balance Sheet, Exhibit A. This we have done by inclnsion.of all significant <br />known assets and liabilities by funds, so as to make it more meaningful. <br />-4- <br />