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2. Minnesota laws pro hide. that "the board ' cr officer <br />authorised by ]sow to audit and allow claim* shall <br />not audit or allow the claim until the pereon dais. <br />• i payment, 'or his agent, reduces it' to . Writing, '. • <br />in items, and signs a declaration to _tb�;.effect*f that <br />• such aecouant,' claim, ..or demand is just.'ar d •correet; <br />that no part of such' account, alai,* or .;de ewil •bas <br />been paid." - <br />• r. In our motion we found invoices a� r:e]ipo oP <br />paper which described the claim in vaying :••degrees <br />of detail for :each - order . check. A large; timber. of <br />-.them had been .made. out by a village official: rather <br />than by the claimant, and most of .them..,were` not, <br />signed. Only .a few of the paid claims ?. r4 made out <br />in appropriate form and signed.' <br />We did not find any disbursements which appeared to <br />`be improper except for the failure to :cceipiy' -eith <br />proper form as described above. <br />3. Cash receiptsby the village are not very frequent. <br />-There should, :however, be a pr e -nw bared, form used <br />by the official receiving auch cash to provide 'better <br />control. An official receipt should .be prepared <br />for any money received from any source. <br />Lt.. Justice records were reconciled against vil].cge <br />records, and were found to be in agreement with ` on* <br />very minor exceptions. <br />It is our feeling . that improvement in, accounting and <br />cash control could. be accomplished by the dervelop ent <br />of a uniform system of (1) issuing:pre- numbered' jam- <br />tine receipts (2) recording fines and ; diePoeition of - <br />cases (3) accounting for all docket pages (L) . account- <br />ing for an pre- numbered traffic tickets <br />We attempted to account' for traffic tickete issued but <br />found instances 'where .'two or even. three; tickets had • <br />the same number. There -were: some ., ticket numbers which <br />could not be found in the dockets. This - does not <br />necessarily mean that tickets were lost : bar: destroyed, <br />but until a better system' of numb eying- tickets and <br />cross- reference with docket pages : i s` developed, it will <br />be difficult to establish adequate controls, or to <br />express an opinion regarding the handling of fines. <br />