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01/14/2004 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/14/2004 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />January 14, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED MINUTES <br />Staff stated at the previous public hearings , a number of issues remained unanswered, one <br />of which was the existing house on the site. He noted they had recei ved an application to <br />plat the property to create tw o lots, one for the church and one for the house. The public <br />hearing on the plat was opened at the Decembe r meeting. Staff presented their analysis <br />of this application. <br />Staff was recommending approval subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Additional right of way shall be dedicated to Anoka County for 20 th Avenue <br />(CSAH 21), as indicated on the plans. This shall be shown on the final plat. <br />2. A separate deed for the right of way along the exception lot (7791 20 th Ave.) shall <br />be recorded with the final plat because this lot is not part of the plat. <br />3. All necessary permits shall be obtained by the applicant from Anoka County for <br />work in the 20 th Ave. (CSAH 21) right of way. <br />4. Signage is governed by the City’s sign or dinance and permits are required for all <br />signs. <br />5. Additional screening shall be a dded on a revised landscaping plant. <br />6. Drainage and utility easements must be created over all ponds and wetlands. <br />These must include land 25’ from the delineated wetland edge, as proposed on the <br />plans. These easements must be included on the final plat. <br />7. Easements must be placed over the relo cated drain tile for Co. Ditch 72 and <br />deeded to the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />8. Issues listed in the January 7, 2004 memo by the City Engineer must be resolved <br />to his satisfaction. <br />9. Stop signs shall be installed for vehicles exiting both driveways. <br />10. The church shall enter into a site perf ormance agreement prior to issuance of a <br />building permit. <br />11. The church shall enter into a maintenan ce agreement for the stormwater facilities <br />prior to issuance of a building permit. <br />12. A management plan for the prairie areas must be prepared and obtain approval <br />from the City prior to building permit issuance. <br />13. Traffic control personnel shall be em ployed during peak periods at the I-35E <br />interchange, at the 20 th Ave. and Main St. inte rsection, and at the access <br />driveways to the site. These personne l shall be law enforcement officers. <br />14. During church services and large events , the northern driveway shall be entry <br />only and the south driveway shall be exit only. Traffic control personnel shall be <br />present at the driveways to assure this. <br />15. Parking lot lighting shall be turned off no later than two hours after services or <br />other events at night. <br />16. The terms and dimensions of the conservation easement in the southwest portion <br />of the site must be agreed to by th e church and the easement holder prior to <br />issuance of a building permit. <br />17. The sewer line from the building line to the septic tanks must be insulated to <br />prevent freezing. <br />18. A fence or other barrier shall be built to protect the septic system treatment areas. <br />19. Streetlights typical for road intersections sh all be installed at the church’s cost at <br />the end of each access driveway on CSAH 21 (20 th Ave).
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