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09/08/2004 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
09/08/2004 P&Z Minutes
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Pl anni ng & Zo ni n g B o ar d <br />Sep t em b e r 8, 20 04 <br />Page 2 <br />DRAFT MINUTES <br />Staff stated applicant had re quested approval of a single fa mily residential development <br />called Fox Den Acres. This is a new submittal of a plan that is different from the <br />previous design reviewed several months a go. The comprehensive plan guides the site <br />for low-density residential use and it is zoned R-1. The site is in the existing MUSA. A <br />PUD is not allowed in a single-family zone, so a rezone to PUD w ould be necessary. <br /> <br />He stated the Fox Den Acres Project, with some revisions, could be a good example of a <br />conservation development. This will require the cooperation of the City, the developer, <br />and the Rice Creek Watershed District. Sta ff has met with the Watershed District and <br />Royal Oaks representatives to discuss how best to pursue a conservation development <br />and increasing higher quality wetland and upl and areas. The design has not yet been <br />determined. Because of this, we are reco mmending continuing the public hearing to <br />October. At that time, we hope to present a design that will further the greenway goals of <br />the community. <br /> <br />Staff presented their analysis and reco mmended opening the public hearing, taking <br />comments, and continuing the public hearing to next month’s meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Root asked what exactly was the public hearing for toni ght. Mr. Smyser replied the <br />purpose was to hear public comment and some of the comments heard tonight could <br />possibly be incorporated into the final plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Laden asked how many acres of greenway were being proposed. Mr. Smyser replied <br />he did not have that information yet. He not ed this was a conceptual plan. He indicated <br />most of the greenway area was along the sout hern and eastern side of the property. <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty invited anyone for or agains t the application to make comment. <br /> <br />Bill Ojile, 6420 Deerwood Lane, stated he wa s not against development, but wanted to <br />know how this development would affect hi s neighborhood. He expressed concern about <br />the increase in traffic through his neighborhood. He asked what the other acreage around <br />this development was zoned as. Chair Raffert y replied he believed there could be some <br />development in the future, but it wa s not a part of this development. <br /> <br />Mr. Ojile asked what was a traffic study and how did they arrive at their numbers. Mr. <br />Smyser replied traffic studies made certain assumptions. He stated the engineers looked <br />at the existing roads and made educated guesse s as to the traffic and flow on them. He <br />stated the City Engineer had l ooked at this traffic study to see if it made sense for the City <br />and in this case, the traffi c study did make sense. <br /> <br />Mr. Ojile stated in general the traffic study assumed approximately 50-60 trips in both the <br />morning and evening. Mr. Smyser replied he di d not have the data in front of him, but it <br />was assumed that half of the traffic would go north and half of the traffic would go south. <br />He noted right now all of the traffic went to Birch Street. <br /> <br />Mr. Ojile suggested they have these numbers for the next meeting. <br />
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