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11/12/2003 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/12/2003 P&Z Minutes
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4/16/2014 10:08:35 AM
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />November 12, 2003 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED MINUTES <br />V.ACTION ITEMS <br />C.Joseph Kivel, 6262 Otter Lake Road, Variances <br />Staff stated this item was heard at th e October Planning and Zoning Board Meeting. <br />After discussion, it was agreed by board memb ers and applicant that this application <br />would be tabled pending tw o actions by th e applicant: <br />1. A full Certificate of Survey would be submitted, with complete setback information <br />and proposed garage dimensions and setbacks. <br />2. The applicant would explore the possibili ty to swapping land with the neighboring <br />property owner to the north, whereby land coul d be acquired so that a driveway could <br />be constructed along the north ern property boundary with a ga rage to be placed to the <br />east of the home. <br />Staff indicated applicant had not yet submitted a full Certificate of Survey. As a result, <br />applicant had requested this application be tabled until the December meeting. <br />Mr. Corson made a MOTION to table Joseph Kivel, 6262 Otter Lake Road, Variances to <br />the December Planning and Zoning Board Meeting and was supported by Mr. Hyden. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />E.Capital Homes, 6750 Black Duck Drive, Variances <br />Staff stated applicant had constructed a home at 6750 Black Duck Drive. The survey <br />submitted for the proposed construction showed a side yard setback on the <br />accessory/garage side at 5 feet and on the home side at 15 feet. After the homes were <br />constructed, the City required that an “As-Built ” survey be done to verify that the home s <br />had been built to specifications. The As-Bui lt survey for this prope rty showed that the <br />required five-foot side yard setback for the garage had not been met, being only 4.5 feet <br />rather than the required 5 feet. For this reason, the applicant is requested a 6-inch <br />variance from ordinance requirements. <br />Staff noted since the home and garage had already been constructed and there was no <br />practical way to correct the setback, staff r ecommended approval of this variance request. <br />Staff indicated the neighbori ng property owner to the sout h had been notified of this <br />variance application. <br />Chair Schaps asked if the home was sold yet. Ms. Gretz replied she did not know. She <br />stated she had sent a notice to the neighbor to the south a nd had not heard from them. <br />Mr. Hyden asked how this error had occurred. Ms. Gretz replied she believed inaccurate <br />measurements were made at the time of construction, when materials and mounds of <br />earth can make measurements more difficult to make. <br />Kerry Burnham, Capital Homes, stated human error was the cause of this. He indicated <br />he was caught between a “rock and a hard pl ace” because the surveyor he originally used <br />was no longer taking any business and did not do the as-built survey. He replied it was
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