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12/10/2003 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/10/2003 P&Z Minutes
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4/16/2014 10:09:48 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />December 10, 2003 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED MINUTES <br />Staff stated Carpenter Homes had requested a pproval of a preliminary plat for Justin’s <br />Preserve. This project involved splitting an existing fourteen-acre pa rcel into two lots of <br />four acres and ten acres. Under the curren t subdivision ordinance, the creation of new <br />lots on city sanitary sewer requires a plat rather than a minor subdivision. <br />Staff indicated this applicati on highlighted an unusual situa tion that should be corrected. <br />The existing house on the property is connect ed to city sanita ry sewer and water. <br />However, it is not within the MUSA. It s hould have been included when it connected to <br />the utilities. He noted this also was the cas e with the lot at 173 Wh ite Pine Rd. Neither <br />of these properties is in the MUSA although both are connected to utilities. This should <br />be resolved now by allocat ing MUSA reserve. The area being platted included <br />approximately four acres of upland. The sma ller lot, which is not included in the plat <br />application was 0.35 acres. <br />Staff presented their analysis and recomme nded approval of the allocation of 3.7 acres of <br />2004 MUSA reserve; variance for lot depth; and preliminary plat with the seven <br />conditions as noted in staff’s December 10, 2003 report. <br />Mr. Rafferty asked was there a ny relationship between the two sites. Mr. Smyser replied <br />he did not know the answer to that question. <br />Mr. Raffery asked if it would make sense to move the lot line to move the minimum <br />width, with a shared driveway. Mr. Smyser replied what they had found over time was <br />that they experienced problems with shared driveways, esp ecially if the neighbors did not <br />get along. <br />Mr. Corson expressed concern about the ordina ry high water level and if the home would <br />be affected. <br />Chair Schaps invited appl icant to make comment. <br />Applicant had no comment. <br />Chair Schaps the public to make comment. <br />There were no public comments. <br />Ms. Lane made a MOTION to close the public hearing at 6:58 p.m. and was supported by <br />Mr. Tralle. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Ms. Lane made a MOTION to approve prelim inary plat with the seven conditions as <br />noted in staff’s December 10, 2003 report and was supported by Mr. Corson. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />Ms. Lane made a MOTION to approve the lo t depth variance with the seven conditions <br />as noted in staff’s December 10, 2003 report and was supported by Mr. Tralle. Motion <br />carried 5-1 (Rafferty – Nay).
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