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• <br />• <br />• <br />Metropolitan Council Affordable Housing Need Determination <br />The Metropolitan Land Use Planning Act, Minnesota Statues, Section 473.859, subd. 2, <br />paragraph c, states that: <br />A land use plan shall also include a housing element containing standards, plans <br />and programs for providing adequate housing opportunities to meet existing and <br />projected local and regional housing needs, including but not limited to the use of official <br />controls and land use planning to promote the availability of land for the development of <br />low and moderate income housing. <br />The Metropolitan Council is charged with preparing and adopting guidelines and <br />procedures to help local governmental units accomplish the provisions of the <br />Metropolitan Land Use Planning Act, including the affordable housing planning <br />responsibility. <br />In preparation for the required comprehensive plan updates in 2008, the Metropolitan <br />Council prepared a report to determine the affordable housing need in the Twin Cities <br />Metropolitan Area for 2011 -2020. The study determined the forecasted household <br />growth in sewer - serviced parts of the region and calculated the net need for newly <br />constructed affordable housing units. The number of newly constructed affordable units <br />metro -wide was calculated to be 51,000 units (or 30.6% of forecasted growth in sewer - <br />serviced households). <br />The affordable housing units were allocated across metropolitan communities based on <br />the following factors: <br />1. How much household growth is a community planning to absorb from 2010- <br />2020? <br />2. What is the relative balance of low -wage jobs based in the area vs. low -wage <br />working residents? <br />3. To what extent does a community offer affordable housing now? <br />4. What level of transit service is available in a community? <br />Step One in the allocation process was to apportion new low- income housing need in <br />each community according to its household growth. Under this step 30.6% of the 2010- <br />2020 forecasted household growth was identified as affordable, the same share as the <br />metro area overall. <br />Step Two provided for adjustments (additions or subtractions) to the housing need in <br />each community according to the following factors: <br />Low -wage job proximity: Communities with more local low -wage jobs than local <br />low -wage working residents in the area increase their share of need by the proportional <br />amount they were above a 1:1 parity. Cities below 1:1 parity have their need share <br />proportionally diminished. <br />3 <br />