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03/29/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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03/29/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING MARCH 29, 2000 <br />Tschida Convenience Store and the applicant is Don Rolf of Archnet, Inc. The proposed <br />lot area is 29,223 square feet and the required "green area" is 30% or 8,767 square feet. <br />The proposal indicates 37% green area or 10,945 square feet. Surface water for the Dairy <br />Queen will be diverted via storm sewer pipe to a proposed ponding area adjacent to Rice <br />Creek. There are no zone-one/zone two areas on the site. There are no significant <br />ecological delineations on the site. Soils are classified as BD (moderate infiltration rate <br />[drained]/ high runoff potential [undrained]) and B (moderate infiltration rate). The LW <br />soil classification to the south is a loamy soil type. Site elevations gradually slope to <br />Clearwater Creek. <br />Davidson asked if the revised landscape plan has been submitted. Asleson stated it has <br />not and that could be placed as a condition of approval, if desired.. <br />Wessell noted this project will be considered by the Planning Commission on April 12, <br />2000 and the City Council on May 8, 2000 so it is not possible to delay consideration. He <br />suggested that a contingency approval be considered, if desired. <br />Asleson presented the proposed ponding plan for the other side of the freeway and <br />explained how drainage will be accommodated Chair" Houchins asked how the water <br />will get from one pond to the next. Asleson explained there are culverts in place and <br />advised that something similar in nature is beirg,proposed for the Dairy Queen site. <br />Donlin stated she would like a more clear explanation of the drainage pattern. Asleson <br />advised that the Watershed District did"review,;and approve the proposed drainage for the <br />Dairy Queen site. <br />Donlin stated her concern with the `C -Store due to the intensity of lighting. Lessard <br />advised that the Dairy Queer proposes to use shoebox lighting in the parking lot. Donlin <br />stated her support for low profile, shoebox lighting. Lanyon concurred. <br />Davidson moved to approve the revised Dairy Queen site plan subject to the applicant's <br />continued work with staff on the landscape plan and lighting plan and subject to input <br />from City staff and.,other groups as applicable. Lanyon seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />No citizens were present for comment. <br />Wessell noted the presence of Julie Farnum who is present to address item 5F. Chair Houchins <br />asked that item 5F be considered next. The Commission agreed. <br />2 <br />
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