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04/26/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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04/26/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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Environmental Board
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING APRIL 26, 2000 <br />• Addition of the definition of "critical damage" <br />• Addition of the definition of "plantation" and replacement of "Schedule and <br />Management of Plantation" as suggested by the DNR. <br />• Addition of language to clarify the process and requirements for single-family versus <br />larger developments. <br />Regarding "Amount of security for single-family" on page 7, Farnum suggested if the <br />Board desired some security they could initiate a performance security account as an <br />incentive to single-family builders to comply. She noted she did not know if this <br />suggestion was brought to the City Attorney's attention. <br />Acting Chair Lanyon asked if Jeff Smyser had commented on this account. Asleson <br />responded he had not, however, there are penalties if a tree is takendown or damaged as <br />part of the building process. <br />Donlin asked how this is policed. Asleson responded the property is checked and if <br />anything is seen it is enforced. <br />Acting Chair Lanyon asked if Asleson would recommend the collection of a performance <br />security. Farnum noted this would require Staff to collect the money, perform the <br />inspection, and return the money, and this could require a process that is not in place yet. <br />Asleson responded Staff presently holds- moneys for landscaping and sodding, and for <br />building inspections for new construction sites: T He noted there is a process in place for <br />this. <br />Farnum reviewed page.9, section B,— .Location of Replacement Trees. She noted in <br />Eagan applicants are-informedof how much mitigation they are responsible for, however, <br />nothing is in writing <br />Donlin asked what the option would be to a developer that bought two acres for a <br />Commercial,Development and would want to clear the trees for tree replacement. <br />Farnum responded;,the developer would be required to do landscaping. She advised that <br />if this ordinance was to be taken literally, and the developer could not satisfy the <br />mitigation, the. City could waive the mitigation requirements. <br />Donlin stated she would not want to waive mitigation requirements. She expressed <br />concern that someone might pay the fine rather than replace trees. She stated she would <br />like to have strong requirements for mitigation. <br />Acting Chair Lanyon noted the flexibility has been removed from this ordinance and the <br />way this is written now, mitigation must be done on site. Farnum responded that is what <br />she understands from the City Attorney. She noted there are times when mitigation on a <br />large development is quite substantial, and there is not enough space left to mitigate on <br />site. <br />2 <br />
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