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05/31/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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05/31/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING MAY 31, 2000 <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />In consideration of audience members, Asleson requested that Agenda Item 6A be considered <br />following Item 4. The Board agreed. <br />The following items were added to the meeting agenda: <br />8A. Tree Mitigation Negotiations <br />8B. Landscape Ordinance <br />8C. Lighting Ordinance <br />The agenda was approved as amended above. <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Asleson noted the attendance of Nancy Klebba, interested resident'; and Naturalist at Tamarack <br />Nature Center. No other comments were made. <br />PROJECT REVIEW <br />A. GM Development / Apollo Drive CUP / Stockpiles - Asleson explained the Apollo <br />Business District is located on Apollo Drive. The grading area consideration is just south <br />and west of the Correctional Facility. He noted -the letter from John Johnson, engineering <br />consultant for G.M. Development, which describes the project request. G.M. <br />Development would like to stockpile aggregate base material in an existing borrow pit on <br />the northeast corner, fill an existing .pond and drainage swale, build a new pond and swale <br />(includes a length of pipe),;raise some surface elevations on the south side of the project, <br />and build a berm on the east side. <br />John Johnson, en ineer for the applicant, presented an explanation of the background of <br />the Apollo.;Busmess District and their attempt to develop the site. He explained that due <br />to the low elevation,, they believe they have lost several potential sales. Because of that, <br />they are proposing -a grading plan to import soils to bring the elevation up to a higher <br />level. Mr. Johnson stated they would like to begin that process to import soils and also <br />plan to undertake the drainage solutions necessary to serve this property, except for the <br />far western edge. He stated they made application to the City to begin initial stockpiling <br />which can be done up to 5,000 yards per parcel and then applied for a SUP to conduct the <br />necessary grading and to exceed more than 5,000 yards. <br />Mr. Johnson presented the proposed grading plan and explained the elevation changes <br />that would occur. He requested the Environmental Board's review of this preliminary <br />grading plan and to put into place drainage elements. Mr. Johnson reviewed the direction <br />of drainage, existing storm sewer system, and NURP ponds. He stated they are <br />attempting to install a good drainage system and understand staff has some different ideas <br />2 <br />
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