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06/28/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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06/28/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING JUNE 28, 2000 <br />PROJECT REVIEW <br />A. Twin City Fab, Inc. — Asleson presented the request for a TIF Land Use application and <br />site plan for Twin City Fab, Inc. to construct a business building at 295 Apollo Drive. He <br />noted that at the May meeting, the Environmental Board reviewed and made a <br />recommendation on the overall site grading, and global landscape issues. The site <br />includes a building, parking lot, on-site water swale, and a proposed future staging area. <br />Trehus arrived at 6:41 p.m. <br />Asleson explained that a generic and non-specific landscape detail is shown on the <br />landscape plan that was submitted. He reviewed his discussion with Gary Nordness <br />regarding the landscaping requirements desired and suggestions he made. Asleson <br />reviewed the drainage patterns of the site, noting the locations of the settlement pond and <br />storage area. He advised of sodded areas that would be irrigated and methods to restore <br />compacted soils and create better conditions. <br />Chair Lanyon stated his reservation with considering such a project without a landscape <br />plan being submitted. <br />Asleson commented on the difficulty with native landscape planning due to lack of <br />education on maintenance. He suggested a five year warranty contract be required for the <br />landscape plantings. <br />Asleson advised the lighting proposed will be of a low shoebox-style and will not exceed <br />one foot candle at the street. Chair Lanyon noted the lighting plan was also not included <br />in the Board's meeting information <br />In response to Trehus, Asleson reviewed several companies that offer native landscape <br />plants and prairie restoration work. He noted that after a period of five years, the prairie <br />should be established. Asleson advised this prairie is about three acres. <br />Chair Lanyon stated:. one option is to indicate it will be considered when the plans are <br />submitted, or the Board could wait for several days so staff can contact the developer and <br />provide information to the Board Members via telephone or e-mail. Chair Lanyon stated <br />he does not feel comfortable with considering this project with the limited detail that was <br />presented tonight. He stated a timeline should be created so developers understand when <br />information needs to be submitted for consideration before the Environmental Board. <br />Then, if the plans submitted are inadequate, the developer can be told the Environmental <br />Board will not consider their application. <br />Trehus read the public notice from the newspaper indicating this is a CUP consideration <br />for exterior storage at Twin City Fab, Inc. and Marmon Keystone. He asked if it is <br />appropriate to discuss the landscape issues. Asleson stated the landscape portion must be <br />considered before the project is moved forward. <br />2 <br />
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