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08/30/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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08/30/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING AUGUST 30, 2000 <br />a separate issue. He stated the Landscape Ordinance will be revised and presented to the <br />Commission for consideration at the next meeting. <br />Donlin arrived at 7:35 p.m. <br />Chair Lanyon noted the City has an idea of the type of native landscape and plantings <br />they are looking for and asked about the ability for the ordinance to refer to the City's <br />target and expectation of commercial development to work within that target even though <br />it is not specified within the ordinance. He stated he thinks commercial developers are <br />interested in abiding by the City's intent but, perhaps, the City needs to provide more <br />specific guidelines. <br />Asleson suggested the Board raise that issue after reviewing the amended ordinance at the <br />meeting next month. <br />Chair Lanyon noted that ordinances are the City's only"teeth" and asked staff to make <br />Consultant Julie Farnham aware of this issue to assure it is adequately reflected in the <br />ordinance. <br />Chair Lanyon requested an update on the status of finding a landscape consultant to work <br />with developers. Asleson stated Brian Wessell wants to interview the consultants and <br />then staff will have a better idea of who to work with. He stated he is looking for <br />someone with experience in commercial landscapes, knows native species, and is familiar <br />with water resources. <br />Davidson asked if funds are available. Asleson stated staff continues to look for funding. <br />He stated he has been tryng to anticipte what the Environmental Board will be looking at <br />in their recommendations and providing a sketch for the applicant, which he has found <br />they then include in their plans. <br />Asleson advised that,Wessell has suggested that one of the Board members participate in <br />the interview process Chair Lanyon requested staff advise them of the date and time the <br />interviews will beconducted so they can determine who would be available <br />Kukonen asked if it will help to provide the developers with the information mentioned at <br />the meeting last month. Chair Lanyon stated that will help but he believes the City also <br />needs to work with them to educate on the stages for this type of native landscaping. <br />Perhaps including a lobby display depicting how it will look each year. Or, it can be <br />suggested that they post signs out front advising of the native plantings. <br />Kukonen advised of his visit to the Sawtooth Golf Course and invitation from their staff <br />to visit their grounds and offer advise on what they have found to work and to not work. <br />Chair Lanyon noted the first five years in developing native landscaping is critical and to <br />assure success, the City will need to work with them during that time frame. <br />2 <br />
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