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10/28/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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10/28/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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Environmental Board
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 25, 2000 <br />The agenda was approved as amended above. <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />No other comments were made. <br />PROJECT REVIEW <br />A. Highland Meadows West/Second Addition — Asleson noted that the Environmental <br />Board reviewed subdivision proposals for Highland Meadows and Bluebill Ponds in <br />September of 1999. The area to the north of Highland Meadows was reviewed as future <br />expansion. At this time, the developer has submitted a plan to develop the second <br />addition of Highland Meadows West. The area includes a proposal to build two lots <br />around three existing lots and road expansion to access these lots.5;' According to staff <br />inventory, there are no significant vegetation types in this area. Surface water issues have <br />not yet been addressed with the watershed. However, staff hassome concerns with the <br />greenway issues in the area. Asleson presented a map of the site and suggested the Board <br />address the issue that this should not be phased in for development without a <br />comprehensive plan for the entire area. <br />Vice Chair Davidson asked how this fits with the Bluebill Ponds development. Asleson <br />stated Bluebill Ponds is located to the ,west. <br />Asleson advised of the concern of Parks about. the trail and greenway areas. He noted the <br />wetland mitigation was done on the,north side of Main Street and, at that time, a lineal <br />greenway corridor was discussed: He connnented on how that greenway could be worked <br />into the plans. <br />Kukonen moved to recommend avoidance of piecemeal development, and does not <br />support continued road expansion or development until a comprehensive plan for the area <br />to the north is completed and approved. Donlin seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />with Trehus voting against. <br />B. Saddle Club — Asleson explained the Saddle Club project was reviewed at the September <br />27, 2000 meeting. The developer has submitted a new sketch plan. He noted the colored <br />map provided by the developer indicating the total site area, total upland, wetland, trees to <br />remain, and those to be removed. He stated he reviewed this information in comparison <br />to the GIS map and the developer has determined the number of lots he needs to make it <br />work. Asleson reviewed the greenway alignment and mentioned the types of soils and <br />vegetation found on this site. He stated this is a good area to consider for conservation <br />development. <br />Asleson pointed out the areas of wetland delineation and wetland vegetation. He also <br />noted the areas of historic oak savanna and potential for trail locations. He advised this <br />property is just outside the identified greenway expansion area, however, those <br />
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