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11/29/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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11/29/2000 Environmental Board Minutes
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Environmental Board
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 29, 2000 <br />Grundhofer commented on the importance of maintaining highway ditches to protect wildlife <br />including frogs and birds. She urged the Board to consider construction methods that assure the <br />protection of the natural habitat and environment. <br />Chair Lanyon stated this highway project has not yet come before the Board. <br />Ms. Grundhofer stated this potential project has been considered by Anoka County for several <br />months and the Lino Lakes City Council has also discussed it. <br />Wessel suggested that City Engineer John Powell attend the next Board meeting to provide a <br />project update. <br />Mach asked if Anoka County is open to compromise when designing this road project. Wessel <br />stated he believes there will be the opportunity for compromise, noting the County Engineer is <br />concerned with addressing road safety issues. <br />No other citizens had comments. <br />PROJECT REVIEW <br />A. Dellwood LLC/NE Quadrant of 35W. and Lake Drive- Asleson explained this project <br />had been reviewed previously by the Environmental Board who indicated a desire for <br />implementation of tree preservation practices including moving trees from the site that <br />may be saved by tree spading, stockpiling, and moving back onto the site; to promote <br />infiltration as much as possible; to use native materials from upland to wetland; and <br />landscaping consistent with:the Village 'Town Center design. <br />Asleson presented this project fora Target SuperStore and requested general comments <br />from the Board concerning'`; environmental preservation and restoration. He advised that <br />Target has taken a strong initiative with environmental protection and reviewed the <br />awards they have'received including specifics of their successful recycling program. <br />Wessel explained that Dellwood LLC is the developer and Ryan Construction is the entity <br />that will build the project. He reviewed the other firms involved with the project, noting <br />that Target is ,driving the project. He reviewed the permitting schedule which indicates <br />Target would break ground in May of 2001 and be open 2002. Wessel emphasized the <br />need to raise the major issues of concern early in this process and encouraged the Board <br />to contact staff should other concerns arise. <br />John Payton, Parsons Transportation Group, Minneapolis, introduced his company and <br />background with Target Stores. Mr. Payton then introduced Jeff Fulner and his <br />background in development. He acknowledged that this site contains serious <br />environmental concerns and stated he wants to assure everything is appropriately <br />designed and engineered. Mr. Payton noted the many meetings that will be held where <br />this project will be discussed to assure all concerns are resolved. <br />2 <br />
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