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10/24/2001 Environmental Board Minutes
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10/24/2001 Environmental Board Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2001 <br />lighting in the parking lot. An addition was granted approval in October 1999 with no <br />proposed lighting. Recommendations from the Board were requested. <br />Trehus inquired about the lighting on site. Gretz responded that there had never been any <br />lighting in the parking lot area, nor was there at present. The parking lot had been <br />recently resurfaced, it was considered a Natural Environment Lake, and was covered by <br />the Shoreland Ordinance. <br />Donlin stated that she did not recommend lighting, but if deemed necessary, low impact <br />recessed lighting similar to those at the Wargo Nature Center v44 satisfy both needs. <br />•Alrg••9 <br />Grundhofer indicated that the snowmobiling clients in the backbft1e 1 want may <br />need lighting and suggested lighting toward the building, not ot9wa41e lake. In <br />addition, she inquired about lowering the posts to a height of 12`''' <br />Afit't <br />Grochala noted the standard recommendation of shoebq1ig1fi <br />added the minimum number of posts should be used. <br />as applicable. Trehus <br />Gretz stated that she and other city staff had receive c 'Ls concerning safety issues in <br />relation to the lighting. <br />Chair Kukonen inquired about a lighting <br />site review. <br />AtIA.A1 <br />O'Connell questioned if a recomme dAon could be made on the distance the lighting <br />could be from the lake. Gretz onF general buffers were required. <br />Gretz answered that it was part of a <br />Grundhofer inquired about <br />Gretz responded that the par <br />Chair Kukonen state <br />be adapted to the v <br />surface. <br />of the back of the parking lot from the lake. <br />was 35 or more feet for the parking lot. <br />alrAphad their variance, and the standards should not <br />hala added that the lighting should be kept at the paved <br />O'Connei1qiitioncdifthe oard could recommend a distance from the end of the <br />- 4 <br />• <br />paved surface.nlm added she would like to see the posts closer in from the end of the <br />paved surfacnd lo have the lights focused inward. <br />Grochala stated that lights could be mounted on the building, or the lighting could be <br />confined using a deflector. <br />O'Connell explained that due to her work in the restaurant industry, she believes that <br />there would be resistance to directing the lighting toward the building because it would <br />shine in the customers' eyes and obstruct the view. Grochala responded that they would <br />try to minimi7e the lighting, balancing it with the public safety issue. <br />2 <br />
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