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12/19/2001 Environmental Board Minutes
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12/19/2001 Environmental Board Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 19, 2001 <br />grading plan/preliminary plat was submitted. The first plan should not have been <br />reviewed. Two lots in the southeast would require fill in the new plan. Two items <br />not included in the plan are the DNR ordinary high water line (OHW), and future soil <br />disturbance issues within the "Tree Preservation Limits." Staff stated that the site <br />was located in a Lake Protection Zone where no suggested development should <br />occur, and a High Ecological Zone where protection strategies should be used to <br />protect the surrounding resources. These zones are defined in the Lino Lakes <br />Environmental Management Plan. The island is land cover classified as a recently <br />developed forest in the Lino Lakes Environmental Managementpan. This <br />classification does exist on the outside perimeter of the island. upland portions <br />of the island are however covered with older growth burr and whrc oak, ash, <br />hackberry, and northern black cherry. The island is surrounded1, cattai1nmrsh and <br />shrub thicket. The island was surrounded by a PSS1/EM Cd and. Wards Lake is <br />public waters and is situated in a Natural Environment Basin. Wat on all <br />directions flow into Wards Lake and then go into Rcshaniu LakeAT basin area of <br />the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park is static. Water ho . lap ty of the basin is <br />thus also limited. There was a discussion about a 290 foo ecommendation on <br />the island. The buffer recommendation is suggested .irthe'Lind Lakes Environmental <br />Handbook. There was a discussion of surface w teLniftngement and trying to reduce <br />44"., Ve144.1-241The,' <br />hydraulic pulsing. It was suggested that the deve techniques such as those <br />described in the Barr Engineering/Met Co, *delineg. It was suggested that the <br />same Barr Engineering/Met Council guidiines cold be used to reduce surface water <br />volume evacuation, and pollution reduction, as wd ' ',as for site protection. There was <br />a discussion of the need for the pond to b�.c1:.ed for infiltration reasons. There <br />was I discussion of the northern p ; ed swale. It was stated that the swale should <br />,NErf <br />be moved to the South side of ;is .CE , ere was a discussion of lot reduction on <br />the East Side of the island so ctiolial infiltration area might be designed. <br />There was a discussion ofc>1iisteringuses as an alternative design. It was suggested <br />that lots should be designed infiltration as much as possible. Suggested <br />guidelines for this are‘sT,ipa sin the Barr Engineering/Met Council <br />Guidelines. There yis idisciissidh ab. t the not yet defined soil disturbance areas <br />on the island with esen . A tree inventory is required according to the <br />Tree Ordinance. The.wisdiscussion of the need to plant natural vegetation, and <br />that a R4-1' Ian would need to be submitted. A protection and <br />_ <br />manageme eloped for all tree, natural vegetation, infiltration, and <br />water areas. 0'erwas discussion about the desire to develop a natural environment <br />information s cct for all new residents moving on to the island. The need to regulate <br />the use of buffel*d protection areas was discussed. <br />Staff recommendations followed: <br />1. Redesign Surface Water Plan. Use techniques such as are suggested in the Barr <br />Engineering BMP Manual. Reduce hydraulic spiking and increase infiltration in <br />ponding situations. Use infiltration/ponding design in areas where they would be <br />effective and non-polluting. Ponds 1 and 2 do not work as designed. <br />2. Reduce lots/or cluster houses. Use rest of the Island for surface water treatment <br />including buffering. <br />2 <br />
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