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02/27/2002 Environmental Board Minutes
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02/27/2002 Environmental Board Minutes
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 27, 2002 <br />5. ACTION ITEMS <br />None. <br />6. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />A. Development Regulations Task Force Update <br />Chair Kukonen recapped the meeting for the Board. He stated that the task force <br />ATA <br />reviewed the background including by-laws and policies, and tried torax swer the question, <br />"What constitutes a premature subdivision?" A plat could be denied. ift vas considered <br />premature. He explained they had not seen the final draft of the document, bt roads <br />could be moved to a lower class if development occurred in some areas, Other factors <br />were water supply and waste disposal. Final plat growth would h confrol..ed by MUSA <br />allocation. <br />Asleson stated that people were working together, and the ;meeting was productive. <br />Donlin agreed. She was encouraged that the issues were manageable parts, and that <br />there would be no leapfrogging of MUSA. <br />Asleson indicated that Grochala had done a gd <br />B. Goals/2003 <br />Asleson distributed copies of the goals fo <br />which were in the packets. Since thew <br />recommended the Board work or <br />many had grown more detailed;: <br />some of the recommendations; <br />Chair Kukonen stated thag <br />next month. He indicate <br />into goals. <br />8, and referred to the goals from 2002 <br />fidget had been fixed, Grochala <br />03 goals. Reviewing the previous goals, <br />eady been accomplished. He explained that <br />ad put forth had set the stage for activities. <br />e Board members should bring in ideas for the 2003 goals <br />several of the duties in the job description could be made <br />Asleson pointed out that a website had been established with a link to the Bell Museum, <br />and could be addeto m the future. O'Connell noted that Earth Day would be an <br />opportunity to let resielents know about the website. <br />Donlin suggested some of the new information resulting from the Urban Interface could <br />be identified. Asleson mentioned that some interesting activities had begun in some <br />neighborhoods. <br />Chair Kukonen continued to review the 2002 goals, and commented that for #5 the Board <br />had been weak on collaborating with other similar boards. <br />APPROVED MINUTES 2 <br />
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