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04/24/2002 Environmental Board Minutes
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04/24/2002 Environmental Board Minutes
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Environmental Board
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING APRIL 24, 2002 <br />4. OPEN MIKE <br />No citizen comments were made. <br />5. ACTION ITEMS <br />A. Village Hills Preliminary Plat <br />Asleson reviewed the background material. The project proposal was a 3.75 -Acre <br />commercial development located east of Hodgson Road on Birch Street. The <br />developer was proposing to build three commercial buildings on the site. A tree <br />preservation plan was submitted because there were some trees off site. The <br />f., <br />developer had been denied an exemption of an incidental, wetland, and had not <br />received a permit with the RCWD. The wetland -lad been degraded and is <br />considered very low quality, caused by ditching and mowing. The discussion <br />centered on slowing the drainage by adding_ ditchblocks or swales RCWD had <br />deteumined that staff would resolve remaining inconsistencies wwith the developer. <br />A lighting plan had been submitted. The extensive use.,of Netlawn was planned <br />and an organic wetland, as well as depressions in the parking lot areas, and <br />filtration design in the swale areas. Manyxatives were proposed in the landscape <br />plan such as blue flag iris. <br />Donkin inquired about the proposed` sidewalk location. Asleson showed the <br />location of the sidewalk on the map. <br />Chair Kukonen questioned the;winter viability of the Netlawn, and the timeline <br />issues involving the 907d-ayrriocli2.ASle.son responded to the Netlawn was being <br />marketed by the,developer, and the`s0cwplow would need to be pulled up in the <br />area, but otherwise it did well in the winter. Asleson continued that there was a <br />200 -foot buffer. in the surface water design. The area off site behind the houses <br />was in a fake protection zone and a high ecological value zone. <br />Donlin stated she needed clarification for the future Ware Road extension. <br />Asleson answered that-Ahe,road was the entrance to Spirit Hills 1st Addition and <br />would connect to Hodgson Road. <br />Donlin pointed out it appeared that the Attachment 2 Erosion Control Plan used <br />the same key for all the items. Asleson indicated that it was difficult to read. <br />Donlin inquired about the lighting, asking for confiimation that it was low impact <br />and no spill. Asleson answered yes, but that the Board should still make the <br />recommendation. <br />Grundhofer noted that the plan called for 40 lights on site, and considering the <br />number of lumens it would be equivalent to 900 light bulbs. She asked how high <br />2 DRAFT MINUTES <br />
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