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05/29/2002 Environmental Board Minutes
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05/29/2002 Environmental Board Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING MAY 29, 2002 <br />5. ACTION ITEMS <br />A. Russian Baptist Church, Site Plan Review <br />Chair Kukonen indicated that he spoke with representatives from Rice Creek <br />Watershed District. They had issues that were essentially administrative, there <br />was no planned site visit, and the issues concerned infiltration and the two <br />ponding areas. Asleson reviewed the background, analysis and recommendations <br />from the green sheet. The Church was asking for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) <br />on 4.61 acres because it is in a rural zone on Ash Street and Baldwin Lake Road. <br />A portion in the Southern part of the site had been filled, while the Northern part <br />was hydric. The Land Classification Inventory indicated Long Grasses and Sparse <br />Tree Cover in the North with a flood plain encroaching,=and Aspen Forest <br />Saturated in the South. <br />Donlin inquired if the Church was responsible for'the filling the Southern areas. <br />Asleson responded they were not responsible <br />Asleson stated the Rice Creek Watershed District was waiting for the wetland <br />delineation to be submitted. Chair Kukonen stated that it was received on April <br />15, 2002, and included two infiltration ponds <br />Grundhofer asked if the propertywas adjacent to the Indian Hills backyards. <br />Asleson pointed out that it was, but that the dralnfield for the Church's septic <br />system separated them. <br />Asleson continued with reviewing the'green sheet. The proposed septic system <br />would be located -on the: Western boundary, and staff had discussed alternatives <br />with the Church representatives; but were considered not economically feasible to <br />hook up to sewer. Staff discussed additional infiltration, and protecting the wet <br />aspen buffer In addition, future'parking lot would have impervious surfaces in <br />the area of the buffer <br />Donlin expressed concern about several issues. Did the septic system include a <br />primary and secondary system. Impervious surfaces should be minimized. She <br />did not understand why the Church refused to accept grant money for a better <br />system. <br />Asleson indicated the landscape plan needed modification with changes necessary <br />for the Sugar Maples and Colorado Green Spruce. The lighting plan conformed to <br />the City standards. Staff recommended approval with changes including: <br />• The submission of a tree inventory and preservation plan, maintaining the <br />buffer around the wetland. <br />• Increase infiltration around the parking areas. <br />2 Draft Minutes <br />
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