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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETINGAPRIL 30, 2003 <br />2 APPROVED MINUTES <br /> 5.ACTION ITEMS <br /> <br /> A.Surface Water Management Plan <br /> Asleson indicated in the past, references were suggesting the need for a <br />good hydrologist to comment on various issues. He introduced Jim <br />Jacques who was working with the City from TKDA and QSM, and was <br />present to answer questions. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jacques stated the plan was needed because Federal and State policy <br />had directed the implementation to take place at the local government <br />level. He gave the example that the NPDES began as a construction <br />permit at Phase I, but in Phase II the city needed to have a policy. The <br />law required the city to develop a plan for implementation within two <br />years. Staff distributed the Surface Water Management Plan Program, the <br />Watershed Management Plan components, and the Executive Summary <br />that addressed issues related to the City. He reviewed goals relating to the <br />City, with the policies and action items. Mr. Jacques indicated that he had <br />received staff input, and was now looking for resident input through the <br />Board. Lastly, he would go back to the Council. He noted a provision for <br />the City to become the Local Governing Unit. If the City chose to become <br />the Local Governing Unit it would have jurisdiction for both stormwater <br />and wetland management. The City of Hugo was an example where the <br />City had jurisdiction instead of Rice Creek Watershed District. <br /> <br /> Donlin stated that she hoped Rice Creek Watershed District would <br />maintain its status as the Local Governing Unit, because the outside <br />control was beneficial to the City. Mr. Jacques added that staff and <br />financing issues were also figured into the decision. <br /> <br /> Grundhofer questioned if Mr. Jacques could be contacted for comments. <br />Mr. Jacques answered his direct line was (651) 726-7914, or E-Mail at <br /> <br /> <br /> Asleson stated Mr. Jacques had given the background information to the <br />Board, and that it was merely an introduction. Mr. Jacques added he <br />would be happy to go through the document with the Board. <br /> <br /> B.Discount Tire Company/633 Apollo Drive/Site Plan Review and CUP <br /> <br /> Asleson reviewed the background and analysis. <br /> <br /> Donlin inquired about the location of the site, and if a better map is <br />available. Staff turned to the map of the previous plan, and indicated that <br />the location had not been altered. <br />