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05/28/2003 Environmental Board Minutes
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05/28/2003 Environmental Board Minutes
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETINGMAY 28, 2003 <br />2APPROVED MINUTES <br />Mr. Jacques stated there was a lot of State support for the Plan because of <br />the power of the Watershed Districts, that act like an umbrella that spans <br />across cities that share common watersheds. Asleson added that the <br />document was being updated to current laws, with Mr. Jacques of TKDA <br />as the lead person for the City to give direction for the future. <br />Mr. Jacques indicated the original Plan was a good resource in two <br />volumes, but it lacked in follow through. The updated document deferred <br />to other government bodies. The Executive Summary discussed policies <br />for the City. The main factor was funding, so there was a renewed attempt <br />to identify the fund allocations. He passed around to the Board members a <br />chart that the City was in the process of completing. He noted that the <br />City had spent a considerable amount in several areas, but it needed to be <br />pulled together. <br />Donlin stated the developers should be responsible to contribute. Mr. <br />Jacques responded there was a development fee and stormwater utilities, <br />which are payments relating to the amount of impervious that is already <br />established to obtain funds from businesses. <br />Donlin questioned if the City billed the business. Mr. Jacques answered <br />the Plan divided the responsibility. The amounts depended on the <br />contribution of water as a function of the impervious, that also could be <br />borrowed against. <br />Asleson indicated the City was responsible to make sure the systems <br />worked, but the business was responsible for the maintenance of the <br />system. He stated that specific goals and targets were defined. <br />Chair Kukonen inquired about the required timeline. Mr. Jacques <br />answered that the City was about two years behind. He explained the <br />Metropolitan Council looked at the required plans whenever a City wanted <br />to address them. The Plan would then be reviewed by all parties. <br />Donlin inquired about staffs’ knowledge of the required update. Mr. <br />Jacques responded staff was aware of the revision. He indicated there was <br />an option for the City to take over Rice Creek Watershed District’s <br />jurisdiction. It would be a delegated authority. Hugo had been the only <br />city to choose the option. Rice Creek Watershed District has indicated if a <br />city chose the option, the city would be responsible for both the <br />stormwater and wetland management programs. <br />Grundhofer asked if the Plan would have to be accepted by the City. Mr. <br />Jacques answered the Plan had to be accepted by Council, then it would <br />go into review.
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