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07/09/2003 Environmental Board Minutes
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07/09/2003 Environmental Board Minutes
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETINGJULY 9, 2003 <br />2 APPROVED MINUTES <br />Grochala stated that by the end of July a preliminary plat would be submitted. <br />Mr. Moberg continued that Panettoni would like to break ground in October. <br />A 50-foot easement was called for on the creek or the official name Anoka <br />County ditch #10. There was a swale or ditch leading to the creek that would <br />disappear and be rerouted around the building on the Northeast side. <br />Grundhofer inquired about the distance from the creek to the building. Mr. <br />Moberg responded the closest was 75 feet, in addition all the vegetation would be <br />preserved around the creek. A southbound right turn lane would need to be <br />added. <br />Grundhofer questioned if two lanes would be provided for people going home <br />onto Lake Drive. Mr. Moberg answered that there was no definite answer, but <br />there would be no problems with it. The issue would be dealt with in the <br />Planning and Zoning Board. He did not believe traffic would be impacted with <br />the first site. All the proposals thus far had been in accordance with the zoning <br />laws and no conditional use were required. Some consultant work had been for <br />Phase I showing nothing significant beyond building materials. An archeological <br />consultant has information requested and pending. He admitted that it was still a <br />work in progress. <br />Mr. Hiniker reiterated that the groundbreaking was scheduled to take place in <br />October, but that it had to meet the deadlines. If the EAW was favorable, it <br />would go to Council, then to the publisher by July 21, 2003. The 30-day review <br />process would follow, with the Council deciding if more studies would be <br />required in October. <br />O’Dea inquired the direction of the flow of the creek. Mr. Moberg responded it <br />was west to east and on to Marshan Lake. <br />Chair Kukonen questioned if there were plans for buffering for noise and light <br />pollution. <br />Asleson referred to the Environmental Assessment information and language and <br />noted that the conditions were not present for any rare species except possibly <br />some tuber orchids. <br />Mr. Moberg stated the entire site was a Lake Protection Zone, so surface water <br />diversion was a concern. Asleson added the surface water on site would go to <br />treatment ponds. <br />Chair Kukonen inquired if the water would end up in Marshan Lake. Mr. Moberg <br />referred to Figure 4 Landcover Map shown in dark blue, that with the rerouting, it <br />could go into two ponds before the creek and ultimately into Marshan Lake.
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