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12/03/2003 Environmental Board Minutes
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12/03/2003 Environmental Board Minutes
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Env Bd Minutes
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- ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2003 <br />-4. OPEN MUM <br />Jim Crawford of 614 Aqua Circle, is President of the Marshan Lake Townhomes <br />Homeowners' Association. He explained the residents were concerned, about the <br />density of the plan. Their complex was 6.4 units per acre. The Planning and <br />Zoning had denied the change from medium to high density. The homeowners' <br />association concurred it should remain medium density. Mr. Hokanson had built <br />the homes, and November 30, 2003 the ponding area had not been approved by <br />Rice Creek Watershed District. He had no idea if the pond had been approved. <br />The two factors should impact the Board's decision to recommend approval or <br />denial. Asleson responded that he did not know if it had been approved, and had <br />heard of no confirmation from Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />Donlin stated she recalled some lack of follow-through. She noted that the parcel <br />was designated for 4-6 units per acre. <br />5. ACTION ITEMS <br />A. Legacy Holdings/Legacy at Woods Edge/Planned Unit <br />Development/Application Review <br />This item was postponed until after the discussion of the Marshan Townhomes <br />2nd addition. <br />B. Marshan Townhomes 2nd Addition <br />Asleson reviewed the background and analysis. He noted the Lake Protection <br />Zone had not been declared in 1995. The amount of impervious had been <br />amended because of the square footage to 50% per the updated letter to the City. <br />He also explained his recommendation to replace the Black Ash, because that <br />species was not doing well in that area of the City. <br />O'Connell questioned the choice of sumac. Asleson answered that it was a native <br />species. <br />Donlin inquired who was paying for the tree replacement nearby. , Asleson <br />indicated the City would pay for the trees at $20-30 each. <br />Donlin questioned if the City escrowed for boulevard trees. Asleson responded <br />that it did but the time ran out. <br />Ron Fox from Hokanson Development was present to respond to comments and <br />questions. He stated the area was purchased, and infiltration was implemented to <br />meet the requirements up to a 100 -year event. The infiltration plan was approved <br />on November 17, 2003 by Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />
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