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01/28/2004 Environmental Board Minutes
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01/28/2004 Environmental Board Minutes
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING JANUARY 28, 2004 <br /> <br />A. Marshan Estates <br /> <br />Asleson reviewed the background and analysis. The developer initially wanted to <br />save as many trees as possible, but it should be thinned. He recommended that <br />they use the FireWise recommendations. He indicated that there should be no <br />importing or exporting of soils. <br /> <br />O’Connell asked for clarification if the unsewered would be sewered. <br />Grundhofer added if the rezone would affect the existing homes. <br /> <br />O’Connell inquired if it was zoned commercial. Asleson responded the developer <br />was asking for sewer and water, and the site was zoned multi-use. <br /> <br />O’Dea questioned if there was any commercial on the site. Asleson answered that <br />presently there was nothing. <br /> <br />Grundhofer inquired if the proposed change would affect the existing houses. <br />Asleson responded that for many existing homes the septic systems were at the <br />end of their life span and were failing. The homeowners would have to fix if <br />there was a failure. <br /> <br />O’Dea asked for clarification for the symbol denoting the trees. Bauman <br />answered that the tree types were found on Attachment 8. <br /> <br />Asleson noted that the trees listed as spruce were actually pines. He mentioned <br />that it should comment on his intentions. He has the perimeter trees and native <br />vegetation because it went directly into Marshan Lake. The amount impervious <br />was not going to increase much. <br /> <br />Grundhofer questioned if 50% vegetation was a requirement, and if 100-foot <br />buffer could be recommended. Asleson referred to the map and noted the lots <br />were not large, and that 100-feet would bring the line up to the houses. He <br />indicated there was already a 50-foot drainage easement. <br /> <br />Bor inquired if that was a Rice Creek Watershed District or City requirement. <br />Asleson noted that Rice Creek Watershed District recommended a no cut zone. <br />Chair Kukonen added with a 50-foot buffer. <br /> <br />Grundhofer inquired about the distance of the house farthest East from the lake, <br />and would it be within the 1000-foot Shoreland District. Asleson responded that <br />it would be within the Shoreland District. He recommended that the courtyard <br />could include a rain garden. <br /> <br />Grundhofer stated that the courtyard already existed. <br /> <br />2 APPROVED MINUTES
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