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05/26/2004 Environmental Board Minutes
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05/26/2004 Environmental Board Minutes
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Environmental Board
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING MAY 26, 2004 <br />Ron Fuchs of Hokanson Development, Inc. 9174 Isanti Street N.E., Blaine, <br />Minnesota, 55434, indicated that the plan was different from the prior plan. The <br />homes would be duplexes or triplexes. He highlighted that there was 70% Open <br />Space. Rice Creek Watershed District was reviewing the septic proposal on June <br />21, 2004. <br /> <br />Chair Kukonen inquired if the silo was found to be worth preserving. Mr. Fuchs <br />responded that they were not worth maintaining. <br /> <br />Asleson indicated that the roads and parking could not be calculated in for open <br />space. <br /> <br />Chair Kukonen inquired if the allotted parking spaces had been exceeded. Mr. <br />Fuchs stated that the number of spaces had been exceeded because two spaces <br />were made for the driveway. <br /> <br />O’Dea questioned if the existing pond was going to be expanded. Asleson <br />answered that the issue was being verified by TKDA. <br /> <br />Grundhofer inquired about a lighting plan. Mr. Fuchs responded that they were <br />standard with downward directional lighting fixtures. <br /> <br />Chair Kukonen asked for verification that they were downward focused, no spill <br />type. Mr. Fuchs answered that they had a cap on the fixture. He presented a <br />diagram of the fixtures to the Board. <br /> <br />Chair Kukonen stated he believed that the proposed lights were similar to the <br />ones he had on his property, and he purchased the best available. <br /> <br />O’Dea inquired if the fixtures were to be mounted on the dwellings. Mr. Fuchs <br />indicated that they were on the homes. <br /> <br />O’Connell questioned if there would be additional street lighting. Mr. Fuchs <br />responded that there would be no street lighting. <br /> <br />O’Dea posed the question if there were any trails planned on the site. Mr. Fuchs <br />answered there were none planned. <br /> <br />Grundhofer inquired the location of the lowest point on site. Mr. Fuchs stated <br />that it had an elevation of 889, with a six-foot elevation change over the site. <br />Water would flow from the Southeast and Northeast portions to the Northwest. <br /> <br />Grundhofer stated she had noticed butternut in the key of one of the maps, but not <br />in the map itself. She inquired if it was to be removed. Asleson responded that it <br />probably was to be removed. He later indicated that he believed the key was <br />generic, because he did not see anything when he walked the property. <br />2 APPROVED MINUTES
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