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02/23/2005 Environmental Board Minutes
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02/23/2005 Environmental Board Minutes
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 2005 <br />Craig Piette, Equinox Development, stated that they were attempting to rezone <br />the site. <br /> <br />Mr. Piette discussed lighting and noted that they did not want to use a shoe box <br />design, but a more ornate fixture to match the upscale hotel. The proposed <br />lighting will meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance. <br /> <br />Chair Kukonen asked for clarification that the lighting would have the same <br />effect, but would not look plain. Mr. Piette responded that it would not exceed <br />the standard. <br /> <br />Chair Kukonen inquired of staff if the plan would be reviewed again by the <br />Board. Staff answered that it could be reviewed as phases come in. <br /> <br />Chair Kukonen questioned if the bulbs could be seen. Mr. Piette responded that <br />they would be low impact and have low spillage. <br /> <br />Grundhofer clarified that the Board would like to have the light focused down <br />even on the decorative. Mr. Piette answered that he did not want light pollution, <br />or glare from the fixtures. <br /> <br />Chair Kukonen inquired if the plan exceeded the minimum required parking <br />spaces. Mr. Piette responded that he would not exceed the minimum, and would <br />work with the City on infiltration if they did. <br /> <br />Asleson addressed the proposed piping, and recommended that swales be used <br />where possible. Mr. Ted Mattke, Mattke Surveying & Engineering, Inc., <br />answered that a swale could be put in. They would need curb cuts. He added that <br />the plowed snow would run off to the Southwest. At the present time, there were <br />three times the infiltration planned. The runoff from the rooftops would be <br />infiltrated. The hotel would have landscaping in the area. <br /> <br />Asleson inquired if Rice Creek Watershed District gave conditional approval. <br />Mr. Mattke responded that they were concerned with the 100-year event. <br /> <br />Staff and Mr. Mattke briefly discussed conflicting information. <br /> <br />Mr. Mattke noted that they had a difference of opinion on preferred tree species. <br /> <br />Bor mentioned that staff and Board recommendations could be seen as possible <br />enhancements to the proposed plan. Asleson added that the Environmental Board <br />and staff were flexible, and wanted to keep the water on the site. He stated that if <br />a recommendation could work, they should try it. <br /> <br />2 APPROVED MINUTES
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