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08/31/2005 Environmental Board Minutes
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08/31/2005 Environmental Board Minutes
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING AUGUST 31, 2005 <br /> <br />Grundhofer questioned staff if Black Hills Spruce was a good choice. Staff <br />indicated they were a good choice because they were resistant to disease. <br /> <br />Grundhofer inquired about plans for recycling. Mr. Piet responded the containers <br />would be located inside the building on the map C-2. <br /> <br />Grundhofer asked about the size and location of the doorway. Kukonen added the <br />door needed to have a mechanism that was trouble free in the winter. <br /> <br />Mr. Piet assured the Board there would be adequate accommodations for waste <br />disposal and recycling. <br /> <br />B. Village of Hardwood Creek/Comp Plan Amendment and PUD <br />Consideration <br /> <br />Asleson clarified the application was for the land use plan. He reviewed the <br />background and analysis. <br /> <br />Greg Hayes introduced himself and Kendra Lendrahl, stating they were from <br />Hardwood Creek and Landform. Mr. Hayes began with an explanation of the <br />land use plan proposal, and that they were looking for a Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendment. The plan had 1120-1250 housing units with 80-95 acres of open <br />space. The goal was to integrate and reshape the neighborhoods. He presented a <br />map with adjacent property owners and the connections. They were concerned <br />with the phasing, because with a development of this size, it would probably take <br />more than five years. The utilities were coming from the South to the North. <br />There were just under four miles of trails planned in the development, for over <br />five miles of sidewalks and trails. <br /> <br />Ms. Lendrahl added that the blue were heavily used trails, while magenta were <br />trails along the roads were blacktop, and did not include the concrete sidewalks. <br />She indicated they were trying to preserve the agricultural heritage, and were not <br />wanting a hard, clean, urban look. <br /> <br />Grundhofer inquired about plans for the native plantings and perennials. Mr. <br />Hayes responded that the details would come later. <br /> <br />Grundhofer questioned the representatives about the size of the largest open <br />space. Ms. Lendrahl answered that it would be about 2.5 acres. <br /> <br />Mr. Hayes stated they desired to provide what the community would want. He <br />also briefly reviewed the presentation from the last meeting. <br /> <br />2 APPROVED MINUTES
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