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03/29/2006 Environmental Board Minutes
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03/29/2006 Environmental Board Minutes
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING MARCH 29, 2006 <br /> <br />Mr. Asleson presented his Staff Report. Mr. Asleson noted necessary changes to <br />Landscape Plan and gave list of recommendations: Mr. Asleson recommended <br />approval of his staff report with conditions. <br /> <br />Ms. O’Connell asked if the new sod would be subject to the odd/even day <br />watering ban. It was stated that no, it would not be subject to water ban. <br /> <br />Ms. O’Dea asked what type of surface the circle area would be. Mr. Frank James <br />from Hartford responded it would be turf. <br /> <br />Mr. James said there would be a Homeowners Association. Ms. O’Dea asked <br />how an Association worked Mr. James said that the developer establishes an <br />association. When 50-75% of the town homes are owned the Association will be <br />turned over to the homeowners. It is expected that the turn over will happen in <br />spring or summer of 2007. <br /> <br />Mr. Asleson asked if the residents would be required to sign a document. Mr. <br />James said that there would be a declaration recorded against all properties for the <br />Homeowners Association. <br /> <br />Ms. O’Dea asked if there would be a way to have more street trees. Mr. James <br />said the city is putting in the trees not Hartford. <br /> <br />Mr. Kukonen asked if the trail could be moved away from the wetland to be used <br />as a buffer. Mr. Asleson responded that if the trail is kept high it would be a <br />possibility. <br /> <br />Ms. O’Dea asked if Mr. Asleson’s recommendation would be to include a <br />Conservation Easement and Mr. Asleson answered yes. <br /> <br />Ms. Grundhofer noted that Hartford’s choice of snow crab does not produce fruit <br />and recommended this be changed to a fruit producing snow crab. Mr. James <br />said that we will work with staff to change. Ms. Grundhoefer also asked for the <br />Green Velvet Boxwood to be changed to Bush Honeysuckle and the Barberry to <br />be changed to Weigela, Tango or other shrub. <br /> <br />Ms. O’Dea asked if there is going to be a monument. Mr. James said maybe a <br />plaque on a 4’ – 6’ diameter bolder that blends in with finished grade. <br /> <br />Ms. O’Dea asked if there will be a management company for upkeep on the <br />property. Mr. James said that the Association will have companies maintaining <br />various aspects of the development. O’Dea asked if it would be the same <br />company for the entire development. Mr. James said it is not required but is <br />encouraged. O’Dea mentioned that consistency is important and encouraged. <br /> <br />2 DRAFT MINUTES
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