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06/14/2000 P&Z Packet
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Planning & Zoning Board
06/14/2000 P&Z Packet
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• <br />• <br />AGENDA ITEM V A <br />STAFF ORIGINATOR: Mary Kay Wyland <br />MEETING DATE: June 14, 2000 <br />TOPIC: David Snell, 600 62nd Street, Minor Subdivision and <br />Variance <br />DESCRIPTION: <br />David Snell is requesting a minor subdivision and variance to split 10 acres from the <br />37.48 acre parcel at 600 62nd Street. This property has been in the Snell family for over <br />50 years. The site is Zoned Rural and guided for rural development through 2020 in our <br />draft comprehensive plan. The proposed parcel would have 230' of width on 62nd Street. <br />According to the Zoning Ordinance, parcels in the Rural Zoning District must have a <br />minimum of 330' of lot width, therefore, a variance for 120' in lot width is being <br />requested. The Ordinance also provides that "80% of the lot area may be comprised of <br />areas which are platted as street rights -of -way, is below the 100 year flood elevation, or <br />lies within city watercourses, wetlands or waterbodies as defined by the ordinance ". In <br />other words, 20% of the lot area must be upland. The survey document indicates that <br />2.35 acres are wetland leaving 7.65 acres of upland. Sewer and water are not available to <br />serve this site, however, adequate space is provided for an on -site septic system and an <br />alternate. <br />In considering all requests for variance or appeal and in taking subsequent action, the City <br />shall make a finding of fact: <br />1. That the property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under <br />conditions allowed by the official controls. <br />2. That the plight of the landowners is due to physical circumstances unique to his <br />property not created by the land owner. <br />3. That the hardship is not due to economic considerations alone and when a reasonable <br />use for the property exists under the terms of the ordinance. <br />4. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special <br />privilege that would be denied by this ordinance to other lands, structures, or <br />buildings in the same district. <br />5. That the proposed actions will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the <br />ordinance. <br />Mr. Snell believes a hardship exists in the fact that there is a septic system and drainfield <br />for the dwelling at 600 62nd Street between the home and the new parcel that limits the <br />available width for the new parcel. The property west of the existing home contains a <br />
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