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I. Introduction <br />Royal Oaks Reality (ROR) retained Critical Connections Ecological Services, Inc. (CCES) to <br />develop a natural resources restoration and management plan for the conservation areas <br />associated with the Foxborough Conservation Development within the City of Lino Lakes, <br />Minnesota. The 51 -acre residential conservation development is located south of Birch Street <br />and east of Deerwood Lane in the southeastern corner of Lino Lakes (Figure 1). Of the 51 acres, <br />approximately 29 acres have been set aside in three outlots as permanent conservation areas, to <br />be restored and managed as natural open space in perpetuity. Furthermore, a public pedestrian <br />trail will be constructed within a trail easement through the outermost conservation area (Outlot <br />A), and will serve to connect existing and proposed regional trail systems throughout the city of <br />Lino Lakes and the greater regional trail system of the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes open space. <br />The residential development consists of 57 residential lots and narrowed residential streets that <br />were designed to cluster housing, reduce overall impervious surfaces, minimize stormwater <br />runoff and maintain site hydrology, and restore and preserve existing natural areas within the <br />development in the form of permanently protected and managed outlots. Conservation areas <br />contained within the outlots will be restored and managed as natural communities consistent with <br />the pre - settlement vegetation of the site, such as oak forests and savannas, lowland hardwood <br />forest, wet meadows, emergent marshes, and dry, mesic, and wet prairies. <br />The inventory and ecological assessment for this report was conducted April through July of <br />2005, and represents baseline information regarding the natural resources of the site. The site <br />inventory and assessment was designed to document the extent and types of existing vegetation <br />and native plant communities, to assess the relative ecological quality of remaining natural <br />vegetation and semi - natural areas, and to identify opportunities and prioritize resource needs for <br />immediate and long -term restoration and management within the conservation areas. Additional <br />surveys and monitoring will be required in future years to gain a more complete understanding of <br />the site's flora and fauna, the ecological functions and values of the conservation areas, and the <br />response of vegetation to initial restoration and management treatments. <br />Landscape scale information (e.g., surficial geology, soils, presettlement vegetation) and past <br />land use history were researched from historic documents and other resources, and are cited <br />within the text where appropriate. Background information regarding the site's landscape <br />context and context within the City's planned open space and greenway system were considered <br />and incorporated into the development of this plan as well. <br />This plan describes natural resource restoration and management recommendations for the <br />various natural community remnants and semi - natural areas within Foxborough's permanent <br />conservation areas. The intent of the plan is to assist the Royal Oaks Reality, the City of Lino <br />Lakes, and the future Foxborough's Homeowners Association in stabilizing, establishing, <br />restoring, and managing the site's natural resources in the short term (one to five years), and to <br />improve the ecological quality and function of the open space over the long term through an <br />adaptive management approach. Successful restoration and management will likely require <br />long -term collaborative efforts of various organizations and individuals, community groups, <br />municipalities, and government agencies, including the residents of Foxborough, the City of <br />Lino Lakes, the Rice Creek Watershed District, the Saint Paul District of the US Army Corps of <br />Foxborough Conservation Development Restoration and Management Plan 1 <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />