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• <br />• <br />• <br />197.101 <br />I.) Alb awry.. Is sr ...s r w.y ...rn..b r other moths. <br />of rarer or err M nor O...% w r.• ...abed rwrts <br />ear No r roe. Sway Y r•).S to r. S.n ..•e ..t.W <br />d • oer7l •IWrf• tr. wires.. w. Mre77 owner..✓• <br />2) a*pw 77 77 a1y or .n bared WON. Owen bre. els <br />ea NW low*. d 7. <br />M n e Y .77-7- . *, rb p•GM•• by arty woo. <br />I.) Genteel 4VIAh STAlE aE GAIL f1 40•0002 • Pears • <br />.t. bap .f Yana NO le oar evwrrW y sober fAr b • Arbor sr MONO es <br />pY <br />.j 1. PINdw.7 w..+e pbwlwri w aer.i rY reset <br />prooloe Y owner bnoard7 aeon rwrYGr <br />L) M its .nett.. hrrL ■ a..relebS Paoli w <br />77- ere i.wNbr spoors. Y w proposed poorer .a Mar <br />e n 777-7 ran w po 2 Yr .I M. promo* wrarer, ~w is <br />L ) Ames pM•ma. w poorer .rep.•• <br />rinYed Y ..•wool. •.7.7 •w 7lerle. w ••dry irony. o b . <br />WIto M r . I !.even r ..d-7 rb. e.er71 or it sorp •w <br />WI Y MOM. k loot w at 4)7 orb. mobile w o of be <br />7.y en. WO error be .rrr7- w rrrw .✓rare a <br />e b • 77a r 2 Yr .,7 r.P7 w ragworts topeotblo overrate. <br />by aenp•ae• <br />7.) to we7a w • rood Newer P•...•7 hoc_ <br />mYeww r .O r w• N a pored r. r77 7 ter • aw area a to b e colleen r Wo <br />feet • w p.m.rl 77.7.7. w arfrld <br />New mot wr..e. M r.•waenwenY r MOOT 1117777777 <br />U 71]7 7- .7 Hass... l• .M nr Peen b T7a4 f <br />near soot w e.elrowle r 1a/m0r Iroalao0• Tao <br />1p. bra__ w -d Ar ae.r Y w.eX'-7eh r•• wool <br />w rerirwb r IY/a07 5777 7. lw- yA4 11) O•• <br />ba ul. el...r• H w .111.7✓ w...... w pt frier b <br />777.7 • 77 Morro 7 7 duo N <br />rot •••/� er ewpwe5 oleos lbo woo r w <br />o Y7 -7*7a end nr •ob'ee•• r married IL IL <br />14) For. .In -ate e.w sdebroo r L' d 7MIY.s w r/�p....+d r <br />rAare✓ bbow Y narked. <br />• rwile.a.n e r r w <br />AELL MATE EXISTVZ <br />• gees. <br />l <br />FUTURE ACCESS To NOIR)6 4 NEIGIsORan <br />pstopei Y ■ <br />6' PRIVACY <br />PENCE <br />1 <br />CONCRETE <br />SPILLWAY <br />POND 1 <br />NWL ■ 903.51 <br />■ 904.9 <br />it <br />/ <br />79TH STREET <br />/ <br />/ <br />/ <br />/ <br />./ <br />/ <br />r PARIAG TAT <br />rr PAVEMENT SECTION <br />CONCRETE <br />QED RAMP <br />PROPOSED e' AY <br />RON AND GATE (FUR <br />r E PRIVACY FEN« TO <br />FIELD LOCA <br />1 <br />L._ <br />6' PRIVACY <br />FENCE <br />■ <br />y„1 <br />tor„d IF 17,1 <br />APMt0NYAE EIDSIM <br />NXISE <br />APPRDWIAT EMTNc <br />PROPOSED <br />B612 CURB <br />& GUTTER <br />III <br />ANi_l111 1111. 1.2 bALIIII ilUL Wi <br />IIIIIIIIMIli LL103 a~L7aL!• <br />BASIN <br />LOI5 LANE <br />sea III •••••••113 MOO FAR <br />oar __-n lea <br />Mend • <br />� <br />0 WOK <br />MOM R <br />rr. <br />7 -.err <br />Le DU ,r MOM al.7•ee tip seta. .mewl fan MALL • <br />POO Ar O. ur _we coal AT IFJST r• rm as 7raa. <br />L MMOM AT an MIL Mew Kral AT X VMMO NOV MOO <br />EROSION CONTROL DETAIL <br />BERMED ROCK ENTRANCE ROAD <br />ffi cocoa <br />1 -) be.el •7r. Ierwee mod be Mad - be ray <br /> worrier w be arYtrld 7*7.7 <br />lobo et <br />L) .robe oar Yeb.s neat r7. b pea. w• <br />..7lb7 b• lam **abed w pew. Y 0en7•17. <br />7r <br />CONCRETE <br />SPILLWAY <br />r - -1 <br />1 <br />I � 1 <br />APP- OBMATE EIISIMC <br />ROUSE <br />APPRIm1A1E )74SIWC <br />• ,TELL <br />CONCRETE <br />SPILLWAY <br />6'7PRIVACY <br />F'NCE <br />y Aso orbs Kr.% b be even .o w r V.F.IL • <br />.•wine.( •.sir sew to w ..ran .ram and <br />be pooled et r .r No Ma ode., ober <br />✓wares err .71 On r brag Y e.adnr•L <br />L) r .e+Yeb• sad oet Yes mat be •.Ye.a <br />WO' Y erepeworod of mak A. r• br77 <br />7-7-br roe e• V* plena bbe Ile <br />•arabew Oft <br />L) 1ewMrr =No or .w le i Yew Me GOON <br />error NO Y 7777775 =NO e7ll rad •e. <br />4.) 0-n,7- WOW Map moor <br />L) m.reer oeMO..o e• r WOW w - I.L <br />L) 1.a.r Were Y7.7* err r VS.L 7 Ma► <br />0 30 <br />- .0r <br />LEGEND <br />- DENOTES E70STNG CONTOUR <br />xo-9- - DENOTES HYDRANT <br />- DENOTES EXISTING STORM SEWER <br />- DENOTES EXISTING WATERMAN <br />- DENOTES EXISTING SANITARY SEVER <br />O - DENOTES MANHOLE <br />• - DENOTES CATCHBASIN <br />O - DOOMS SANITARY MANHOLE <br />• - DENOTES WATER VALVE <br />- DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION <br />- DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOUR <br />- DENOTES PROPOSED DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE <br />< C�� - DENOTES PROPOSED STORM SEVER <br />® - DENOTES PROPOSED CA1134BASN MANHOLE <br />Cate - DENOTES PROPOSED SANITARY SEVER <br />1 0070155 PROPOSED WAIE7BEAN <br />• - 0010155 STOP SON <br />t I m i t t I mg - D0O7E5 SILT FENCE <br />/ 0.0•7 <br />VAV <br />- DENOTES BERMED ROCK ENTRANCE <br />GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL NOTES <br />t. The untractr end Fair to the 7-7777777- plans p -6 that Ahab. <br />Mnaneilns of bulldogs. 0)17X.7 doped poWg, <br />entry location and locations of downspouts. <br />5. ASE ;IWurksd unposed areas an to receive 57.7 .9- of 4 inches of tap d and <br />sod at seed. hems wpm shed be watered by the contractor add the mod err mod <br />I. dyeing in a healthy manna. The controeta. Man mad the pion. s oc Mp <br />b the City of Una Lakes seeding specification as shown n <br />3. The contractor sill tab d precautloce n•cw7y to meld property domag7 to <br />adjacent properties babe Use conduction phase W this wo).et. The contractor <br />d1 be hold re.prs- Ir any dynodes to adjacent properties oeaarMg denim) <br />the aa..bu1Uon Mar of this project. <br />4 11s mntracteF .111 b• r••pan.6M ter pr -NdYW aW 777* fm <br />dada. the ou movement of .ambo Boas. them devices Mal <br />control W apppr•�••d b endow lw p tte placement, Trap ttrol Mend Mal baffle where neromary. <br />ean7an7 to the appropriate Mbreeta deportment of Transportation standard.. <br />▪ is amordance Mk td generally wa t•d construction practices. the contractor A be <br />. day for 0an1tiara an the job site. handing safety <br />o f old pavan and property Mrhn9 the performance of the .art. This requiroomt <br />. 0 apply comtk7audy and cot be Mated to normal aorkkn* hour. <br />L TM duty of the 7n77nmr r the Modem to conduct construction ream of the <br />contractor. performance Y not Intended to Include ream of the .••wocy r the <br />contractor. safety m•cvee 111. or new the construction ate. <br />7. Bettie Mandy construed= the contractor Mal Install a Temporary Rock Entrance <br />pod at pante .r vehicle .alt from the project sits. Said Rork Entrance pad <br />. fed ba maintained by the contramtr far the duration of the trona. <br />L ate print_ and Y. aCadanc• with WOES pas* requirement.. Beet Mana0em...t <br />Practkm. My of Lis Labs. <br />L requirements of the Mty of Lino Latta The contractor Mall be rewarding <br />far d prmlb end noUReatbs es required by On dty. <br />10. My imported taped. WI material, r Ramer materials to be mad m roadway or <br />bolded pod B mutt be approval by the City Engineer (marled and aroma. <br />1t. Clearing requirements grubbing City et Una and b T 2101. n acavdrno..M the <br />for a panda ad notifications oe required by the dty. <br />12. Canteactr shall obtain a perinf iron Maim Canty prbr to comma ndbg wad .d7is <br />the Lola ode right of wa} <br />11 See utility pin for further did regarang the .Lunn anew. <br />14. Rout1nge In the infiltration bear Dees to haled. Canada V1d4 N]dl fe Root <br />Tufted Hair Orese and 7797.4' as q•*Nd in the Rice Creek Watershed Wetdd <br />requirements far 1nMnttn bail plantings. <br />LINO LAKES MESIC MIX SEED SPECIFICATION <br />k 577 a7 term (Andaman Rrad0 <br />7.51C side oats Brame (BMsba ootpendM) <br />2% Canada aid new Menus h)a red <br />A Switch gram (prdaae vr9•tum) <br />25Z Little bk.mtem (Sdisochyrium emporium) <br />25X Vaal gram (Sergoehan Intne) <br />N <br />2% lialm's dame Mama above by PL5 wiz _ <br />.DZ Prairie drummed (Sporobdw Warded.) <br />M obese by bid rat.& <br />kkCEIVED <br />�AUG UNO 0 2� LAKES <br />OE) j VT UO A <br />R. MBES <br />177 Yana/ (ASalee mW.fidban) <br />2Z Fragrant giant hymn, (Aga.loch• wrda,Man) <br />Bz Leodplad (Amapa cone-cr.) <br />2Z Buttrty weed (• tuberose) <br />2% Smooth aster (Mtn lorM) <br />4Z More outer (Aster odntngiends) <br />2Z Case tick Ireful (Nomadism marad•nee) <br />A Stiff • alo.a (14danthul riC1, <br />311 Bush Omer M= r� ate) ) <br />BZ Toil Wye ( en Beb y°) <br />61 4Z Mae NMI*, dem (P•tdn1tanan Laladron) <br />14X pads prairie dour (P.fdostrmum pr9la.unl) <br />1477 Bled. -ryW mean (R7medlM hY1.) <br />221 Gray goldenrod (S*Mpa menorahs) <br />1Z Upland goldenrod (Seldom pamnelder) <br />S Stiff gdn <br />.aod (Silage none) <br />3X Showy goldenrod (Sonde m° rpdow) <br />71 Hoary vervain (Wixom .trlcla) <br />4% Bolden denondere (ltd. mom) <br />A1 above by bulk rata <br />e <br />n <br />O <br />N <br />w <br />z <br />z <br />5 <br />11 <br />Lai <br />-1 <br />J <br />CITY OF LINO <br />Le A <br />O <br />W <br />c <br />1 <br />1 <br />S <br />K <br />E <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />fi <br />7 <br />G1 <br />( <br />FII F £AW1 k-��m•� S <br />