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DRAFT 01 -19 -2011 <br />Within a landlocked basin, lowest floor elevations must be at least one foot above the surveyed <br />basin overflow elevation. Where a structure is proposed below the runout elevation of a land <br />locked basin, the low -floor elevation will be a minimum of two feet above the high water level as <br />determined from an estimate of high water levels determined from the highest of either the 100 - <br />year, ten -day runoff event or back -to- back'' 100 -year, 24- hour rainfalls. Aerial photos, vegetation, <br />soils, and topography will be used to derive a "normal water elevation for the basin for the <br />purpose of computing the 100 -year elevation. JIM WILL REVIEW WITH RCWD <br />(f) All stormwater management structures and facilities must be designed for <br />maintenance access and properly maintained in perpetuity to assure that they continue to <br />function as designed. <br />(g) Before work under the permit is deemed complete, as- builts must be submitted <br />demonstrating that at the time of final stabilization, stormwater facilities conform to design <br />specifications. <br />(9) Drainage And Utility Easements <br />(a) If a stormwater management plan involves direction of some or all runoff off of <br />the site, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain from adjacent property owners any <br />necessary easements or other property interests concerning flowage of water. <br />(b) Easements are required for all stormwater management facilities, stormwater <br />conveyances and on -site floodplain and shall extend a minimum of 10 feet beyond the basin's <br />100 -year storm high water level elevation. <br />(c) Easements are required for all outlet swales and ditches, and for overland <br />overflow routes located downstream of basins located on site. <br />(d) If the storm sewer is to be installed less than 10 feet deep within private property, <br />the easement shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. If the storm sewer is 10 feet or greater, the <br />easement shall be twice as wide as the depth. <br />(e) Easements necessary for maintenance vehicle access are required for all of the <br />above where not directly available on a public road. <br />(10) Exceptions. <br />Alternative Format 18 <br />• <br />• <br />Regional <br />Elevations <br />Detention <br />Basins & <br />Wetlands <br />Infiltration Basins <br />Rain- <br />gardens <br />Ground <br />Water <br />Elevation <br />100yr <br />EOF <br />100yr <br />EOF <br />Bottom <br />100yr <br />EOF <br />EOF <br />Bottom <br />Low Floor <br />Freeboard <br />2 -ft <br />1 -ft <br />0 -ft <br />NA <br />0 -ft <br />NA <br />NA <br />NA <br />4 -ft <br />Low Entry <br />Freeboard <br />NA <br />NA <br />2 -ft <br />1 -ft <br />NA <br />2 -ft <br />1 -ft <br />0.5 -ft <br />NA <br />Within a landlocked basin, lowest floor elevations must be at least one foot above the surveyed <br />basin overflow elevation. Where a structure is proposed below the runout elevation of a land <br />locked basin, the low -floor elevation will be a minimum of two feet above the high water level as <br />determined from an estimate of high water levels determined from the highest of either the 100 - <br />year, ten -day runoff event or back -to- back'' 100 -year, 24- hour rainfalls. Aerial photos, vegetation, <br />soils, and topography will be used to derive a "normal water elevation for the basin for the <br />purpose of computing the 100 -year elevation. JIM WILL REVIEW WITH RCWD <br />(f) All stormwater management structures and facilities must be designed for <br />maintenance access and properly maintained in perpetuity to assure that they continue to <br />function as designed. <br />(g) Before work under the permit is deemed complete, as- builts must be submitted <br />demonstrating that at the time of final stabilization, stormwater facilities conform to design <br />specifications. <br />(9) Drainage And Utility Easements <br />(a) If a stormwater management plan involves direction of some or all runoff off of <br />the site, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain from adjacent property owners any <br />necessary easements or other property interests concerning flowage of water. <br />(b) Easements are required for all stormwater management facilities, stormwater <br />conveyances and on -site floodplain and shall extend a minimum of 10 feet beyond the basin's <br />100 -year storm high water level elevation. <br />(c) Easements are required for all outlet swales and ditches, and for overland <br />overflow routes located downstream of basins located on site. <br />(d) If the storm sewer is to be installed less than 10 feet deep within private property, <br />the easement shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. If the storm sewer is 10 feet or greater, the <br />easement shall be twice as wide as the depth. <br />(e) Easements necessary for maintenance vehicle access are required for all of the <br />above where not directly available on a public road. <br />(10) Exceptions. <br />Alternative Format 18 <br />• <br />• <br />