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DRAFT 01 -19 -2011 <br />(d) Erosion Into Streets, Wetlands, or Water Bodies. If eroded soils (including <br />tracked soils from construction activities) enter or appear likely to enter streets, wetlands, or <br />other water bodies, cleanup and repair shall be immediate. The applicant shall provide all traffic <br />control and flagging required to protect the traveling public during the cleanup operations. <br />(e) Failure to do Corrective Work. When an applicant fails to conform to any <br />provision of this policy within the time stipulated, the City may take the following actions: <br />1. Issue a stop work order, withhold the scheduling of inspections, and/or the <br />issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. <br />2. Revoke any permit issued by the City to the applicant for the site in question or <br />any other of the applicant's sites within the City's jurisdiction. <br />3. Correct the deficiency or hire a contractor to correct the deficiency. <br />4. Require reimbursement to the City for all costs incurred in correcting stormwater <br />pollution control deficiencies. If payment is not made within thirty (30) days after costs are <br />incurred by the City, payment will be made from the applicant's financial securities as described <br />above. <br />5. If there is an insufficient financial amount in the applicant's financial securities as <br />described above, then the City may assess the remaining amount against the property. As a <br />condition of the permit, the owner shall waive notice of any assessment hearing to be conducted <br />by the City, concur that the benefit to the property exceeds the amount of the proposed <br />assessment, and waive all rights by virtue of Minnesota Statute 429.081 to challenge the amount <br />or validity of assessment. <br />(2) Enforcement. The City shall be responsible for enforcing this ordinance. <br />(a) Penalties - Any person, firm, or corporation failing to comply with or violating <br />any of these regulations shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be subject to a fine or <br />imprisonment or both. All land use and building permits shall be suspended until the applicant <br />has corrected the violation. Each day that a separate violation exists shall constitute a separate <br />offense. <br />(b) Right -of -Entry and Inspection. <br />1. Powers. The issuance of a permit constitutes a right -of -entry for the City or its <br />contractor to enter upon the construction site. The applicant shall allow the City and their <br />authorized representatives, upon presentation of credentials, to: <br />2. Enter upon the permitted site for the purpose of obtaining information, <br />examination of records, conducting investigations or surveys. <br />Alternative Format 22 <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />