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Lino Lakes Parks and Recreation <br />Department Program Highlights <br />June Park Board Update <br />Kite Day: 374 kites were handed out at Kite Day this year - one of our highest <br />totals in quite a while! The weather was gorgeous - slight breeze, lots of sun and <br />no rain! It was a perfect day for kite flying! Our sponsors for this year's event <br />were Patriot Bank and the Lino Lakes Lions Club. <br />Dance: Our dance classes were very popular this summer. We have 23 <br />participants in Preschool Dance and 8 participants in Tap and Ballet. Classes started on June 12 and will continue until August 7. <br />Youth Sports: Summer T -Ball is in full swing. We have 11 T -Ball sessions for the month of June and a total of 150 kids partici- <br />pating. Soccer Fundamentals for children ages 3 -8 is underway and we have great numbers again this summer - 90 participants <br />enrolled in the June session. Baseball Camp was a huge success again this year. 55 kids participated in the camp which conclud- <br />ed with a pizza and pop party on Thursday. Youth Golf Lessons and Golf Academies have been going very well this summer. We <br />are using both Shadow Ridge Driving Range and Chomonix Golf Courses to teach youth and adults the basics of golf. We have <br />almost 100 golfers for the month of June. Tennis Lessons are taking place at Arena Acres this summer and even with a reduced <br />number of courts we are still offering lessons to players of all abilities. We have 70 participants playing tennis this June. <br />SkyHawks Sports Academies: Mini Hawk finished last week. We had 16 participants in this program learning about <br />soccer, basketball, and baseball. Flag Football Camp finished on Friday, June 22. We had 12 kids participate in this week long <br />skills camp. Skyhawks Boys Lacrosse Camp started the week of June 25. We have 12 participating. This camp has been a huge <br />success. <br />rvi Lacrosse Leagues: YLM Youth Lacrosse is in full swing. We have (1) 3rd /4th grade, (2) 5th /6th grade, and (1) 7th /8th <br />de teams playing in this Youth Lacrosse Minnesota League. These teams are winding down their seasons and will be playing <br />in the end of the season tournaments in the middle part of July. <br />Playground Program: The Playground Program is rebounding from last year's drop in attendance. 289 participants are cur- <br />rently registered for this year's program compared to last summer's 272 participants. Three of our sites reached their maximums <br />of 50: Behm's Park, Birch Park PM, and Sunrise Park PM. The remaining sites had good registration totals too: Birch Park AM <br />(41), Sunrise Park AM (21), Clearwater Creek Park (48), and Highland Meadows Park (29). The Playground Program began on <br />June 18 and despite the stormy weather that day things went very smoothly. The program will conclude on August 2 with individual <br />park parties being held throughout the week at each park. <br />Field Trips: We have one week (July 9 - 12) of field trips this summer that we are cooperatively offering with Blaine Parks and <br />Recreation Department. Trips include Bunker Hills Stable & Bonfire, Como Zoo & Cookout, Wargo Nature Center and Elm Creek <br />Pool & Play. Currently 25 are registered for Bunker Hills, 9 for Como Zoo, 21 for Wargo Nature Center and 11 for Elm Creek Pool. <br />Baseball Camp <br />Fall Soccer & Football: Fall Football and Soccer <br />registration has started and the numbers are looking <br />good again this year. We had 325 football and 450 <br />soccer players in our fall program last year. <br />Adult Fitness: Our fitness programs are doing very <br />well this summer. This is the first summer in a very long <br />time that we've held all of our offered classes. <br />Adult Softball: Summer adult softball leagues are <br />winding down. We have 3 more weeks of play and then <br />the fall leagues start the first week of August. <br />Questions? Please contact Liz Benoit or Brian <br />Hronski at 651- 982 -2440. <br />