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05/10/2000 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
05/10/2000 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />• <br />• <br />Planning & Zoning Board <br />May 10, 2000 <br />Page 2 <br />V. ACTION ITEMS <br />A. Carl Johnson, 310 Carl Street, Variance <br />Staff advised that the applicant, Carl Johnson, has submitted an application for a variance <br />from the City's Zoning Ordinance, Section 3, Subd. 4.D. Accessory Buildings and <br />Structures, 1. General Provision. C. No detached accessory structure shall be closer to the <br />front lot line than the principal building or its attached garage. Staff presented their <br />report and analysis of the application and comment that the current Zoning Ordinance <br />prohibits the construction of an accessory building in front of the principal structure. The <br />development plan for the lots in Lino Air Park North initially indicated that the hanger <br />location would be toward the runway. The unique nature of the drainage easement on the <br />lot does not constitute a hardship because the home and accessory building could be <br />constructed to meet the requirements of the Ordinance by locating the hanger to the rear <br />of the lot. Therefore, staff recommends denial of the request nce. <br />Staff noted the letter from the applicant explaining his <br />abutting property owners and the Air Park Associatio <br />In response to Mr. Rafferty, Ms. Wyland point <br />owners submitted letters of support for Joh <br />Mr. Rafferty stated he talked with Sta <br />indicated something different than <br />letter is signed by David Ramsd <br />ters from two <br />o concern. <br />e low: Lion of the homes where the <br />t. <br />t about 5:00 p.m. this evening who <br />the letter. Ms. Wyland noted that the <br />amsden. <br />Mr. Rafferty stated he tal d� ' 'resident of the first house off Thomas Street who is a <br />x�r <br />member of the Associ t d ough they had no clear -cut recommendation on <br />whether this should be t ed, there was an indication they should have dealt with it. <br />Mr. Schilling inqu, her all three properties that built in front was done so prior to <br />the ordinance chan • Ms. Wyland answered affirmatively. <br />Chair Schaps stated his understanding of the route that would be taken by an aircraft from <br />the hanger to the runway. He noted the plane would be between 70 and 30 feet from the <br />street when taxing. Chair Schaps stated that is not his understanding of why these lots <br />were approved. <br />Mr. Johnson noted the two survey maps, one indicating the area is not within the ponding <br />and flowage easement which could be a building pad, and the other survey indicating the <br />proposed house would be located in an area within the easement. Ms. Wyland explained <br />how the easement area was revised and reconfigured. <br />Mr. Johnson noted there is nothing (easement or wetlands) to prevent the hanger from <br />being built between the proposed location of the house and the taxiway. Ms. Wyland <br />stated that is correct. <br />
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