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04/11/2001 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/11/2001 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />April 11, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />V. ACTION ITEMS <br />A. Steve Dahlstrom, 6641 East Shadow Lake Drive, Variance. <br />Staff presented the application by explaining applicant had submitted an application for a <br />variance from the side yard setback requirement in an R -1 zoning district. Applicant wanted to <br />construct a large addition to his existing house. The setback requirement for a garage differed <br />from the setback for the house. Mr. Dahlstrom's addition included garage space on the main <br />level with additional bedrooms over the garage. This living space must meet the larger setback, <br />which was the reason a variance was needed. <br />Staff presented its analysis of the request by explaining, the property was in an R -1 Single <br />Family zoning district. The side yard setbacks were 10 feet for the principal building, 5 feet for <br />an accessory building. A garage, even an attached garage, was considered an accessory building. <br />Therefore, a garage wall must be 5 feet from the side property line. The house itself must be 10 <br />feet. Adding garage space would need to meet the 5' setback. Living space must meet the 10' <br />setback. Since the proposed new living space would be 5' from the property line, a variance was <br />needed. <br />Staff noted that the letter from Mr. Dahlstrom was written before the survey was prepared, so the <br />distances in his letter were estimated. As shown on the submitted survey, the front corner of the <br />existing garage wall was 4.19 feet from the side lot line. (It is unknown why this was not built at <br />the 5 ft. setback.) <br />The rear corner of the existing garage was approximately 7 'A' from the side lot line. (This was a <br />scaled measurement of the submitted survey, it was not shown on the survey.) Therefore, at its <br />closest point, the new addition would be about 7 %2' from the property line. This was 2 %2' less <br />than the required 10' setback, or about 25% less. <br />The proposed addition would be 23' 8" high at the peak of the roof. <br />The house next door at 6634 East Shadow Lake Drive was 16.01 feet from the property line. A <br />submitted letter indicates that the neighbors, the Sandstroms, had no objection to the project. <br />The existing home had approximately 1000 sf of living space, with some additional space in the <br />lower level. This was just over the minimum 980 sf required in the zoning ordinance for a split <br />level. The house had two bedrooms, ,5 <br />Mr. Dahlstrom's_ plans included adding 20 feet onto the entire rear of the house as well as the <br />new garage space with bedrooms above. <br />As stated in the zoning ordinance, in considering all requests for variance and in taking <br />subsequent action, the City shall make a finding of fact: <br />1. That the property in question could not be put to a reasonable use if used under conditions <br />allowed by the official controls. <br />2. That the plight of the landowners was due to physical circumstances unique to his property <br />not created by the land owner. <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />
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