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• <br />• <br />• <br />PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING <br />APRIL 13, 1994 <br />He indicated his frustration in not being able to determine <br />when the property went from Rural to R -1. He further stated <br />that he appreciated the work Mr. Landers had done in <br />researching the minutes. <br />Carolyn Dahl of Holly Court was present and state that when <br />they built their home in '90/91 she went to the City and asked <br />if there were any plans for the area. She was told the <br />property was Zoned Rural and that there were no plans for <br />development. In less than six months the property to the <br />north changed from Rural to R -1 - she would like to see it <br />remain Rural. She asked what is the procedure for getting <br />into the MUSA. The City needs a balance of housing and some <br />areas should remain rural. If this development goes in, an <br />additional outlet is needed for Holly Drive - Holly Drive <br />East. She added that she would like to see some proof that the <br />property was properly rezoned from Rural to R -1. <br />Chris Lydeen of Holly Drive provided a map of the proposed <br />plat indicating several lots not conforming to the R -1X <br />standard. He indicated concerns about open space and park <br />dedication and stated that he would like to see more open area <br />in the plat. He questioned the rezoning from Rural to R -1 and <br />thanked John Landers for his efforts in researching the <br />matter. He stated that he had checked on the rezoning with <br />the Quad Press and found some poor copies of maps of the area. <br />He questioned when the area south of Holly went to R -1. He <br />stated that Holly Drive east "obviously" needs to be extended. <br />He questioned where the sewer /water would come from and would <br />12th Avenue have to be dug up again. He stated that he has <br />lived on Holly Drive since 1992. <br />Charles McKenna, property owner on East Holly Drive, was <br />present to voice his objection to the extension of Holly <br />Drive. He has lived in the area since 1979 and there was no <br />road there. The property owners along East Holly have 5, 10, <br />and 20 acre parcels. After 15 years - now you want to put a <br />road on the back of my property. He stated that there is no <br />road easement on the back of his property and he does not want <br />a road forced on him. He indicated that an alternative would <br />be to rezone the area for 5 or 10 acre lots. <br />Al Klemic of 1390 Karth Road stated that he has lived in the <br />area since 1981. He is opposed to the opening of Holly Drive <br />East. He stated that he does not want to see any tax money <br />spent on this roadway. <br />Carolyn Dahl read a letter from the City Attorney written in <br />1985 indicating that the City may have right of way for east <br />Holly Drive even if the roadway has not been maintained. <br />Ruth Sepanin of Holly Drive presented a petition requesting <br />that Holly Drive be extended to the east and statements from <br />10 people indicating that they remember when you could get <br />from Holly Drive east to Holly Drive west. <br />