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05/08/1985 P&Z Agenda & Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/08/1985 P&Z Agenda & Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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112 <br />PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD <br />May 8, 1985 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order by Vice Chairman Wally Ostlie at 7:15 P.M., Wednesday, <br />May 8, 1985. Goldade, Doocy, and Prokop were the other boardmembers <br />present. Mr. McLean arrived later in the meeting. Mr. Cody and Mrs. <br />Klaus were absent. Mr. Zack Johnson, City Planner; Mr. Kluegel, <br />Building Official; and Mrs. Foster, Secretary were also present. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - April 10, 1985 <br />Mr. Prokop moved to approve the minutes of the April 10, 1985 meeting <br />as presented. Motion was seconded by Mr. Doocy and carried unanimously. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported the following action by the April 22 Council: <br />The subdivision of Audrey Burque was approved per P & Z recommend- <br />ations. <br />The subdivision of Paul Tubbs was approved per P & Z recommenda- <br />tions. <br />- The Keith and Jan Apitz addition was approved per P & Z recommend- <br />ations. <br />The Sampair horse boarding /breeding stable was approved per P & Z <br />recommendations. <br />- The Donnell Realty subdivision was approved per P & Z recommenda- <br />tions with the exception that the road width be set at the <br />standard for a rural area. <br />Mr. Prokop voiced his concern with regard to the road width in the <br />Donnell Realty subdivision. He suggested that this issue be further <br />discussed as "New Business" toward the end of this evening's meeting. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mr. Russell Rehbein appeared before the board to explain his desire <br />to construct a building on the property he owns (which is currently <br />zoned as general business) for the purpose of boarding his own horses <br />and those which he buys and sells. The property in question now has <br />the Rehbein Transit bus barn on it, and Mr. Rehbein would plan a <br />building that could be used for the transit business should be ever <br />decide to sell either business. <br />Mr. McLean explained that under the "Open Mike" portion of this meet- <br />ing, that Mr. Rehbein is allowed to state his case and ask for direc- <br />tion from the P & Z, but that no decisions will be made with regard <br />to Mr. Rehbein's plans. Mr. Rehbein was directed to contact the <br />City Planner for his suggestions on how to pursue this request, and <br />to then appear before the P & Z with the proper paperwork as required <br />by the Building Official. <br />Mr. McLean had joined the meeting during this agenda item. <br />1 <br />
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