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08/14/1985 P&Z Agenda & Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
08/14/1985 P&Z Agenda & Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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128 <br />D <br />Chairman McLean called to order the regular meeting of the Planning <br />and Zoning Board at 7:02 P.M. on August 14, 1985. Members present: <br />Cody, Doocy, Prokop, Klaus, Ostlie, Goldade, McLean. Members absent: <br />none. Also present were City Planner, Zack Johnson; Building Official, <br />Peter Kluegel; and Secretary, Shar Foster. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - July 10, 1985 <br />Mr. Prokop moved to approve the minutes of the July 10, 1985 meeting <br />as presented. Motion seconded by Mrs. Klaus and carried unanimously. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported that on July 22, 1985 City Council approved <br />the Site and Building Plan from T. F. James Co. per the Planning <br />and Zoning recommendations made at their July 10, 1985 meeting. <br />He also reported that the Council passed on the engineering standards <br />books to the Planning and Zoning Board. These books were requested <br />by the P & Z after City Engineer, John Davidson's recommendation . <br />that the City adopt these standards. <br />At the Council's last meeting, there apparently was some concern <br />shown that the P g Z Board requested these books from Mr. Davidson <br />and that Council approval was not given prior to ordering the books. <br />Mr. Doocy stated that he assumed that Mr. Davidson would clear this <br />expense before forwarding the books to the P & Z Board. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />No one was scheduled or appeared under Open Mike. <br />ROSELYN VAN ELSBERG - PRELIMINARY PLAT, VARIANCE -LOT SIZE E WIDTH <br />Ms. Van Elsberg and Mr. Kluegel presented this request to the P 8 Z <br />Board. Basically, this request is to divide a 33 acre parcel into <br />three approximately equal lots. The proposed lots were each over <br />ten acres as required by ordinance, however, there were easements <br />which totalled more that 10% of the land. The ordinance places a <br />limit of 10% of the land for easements. The Board discussed this <br />problem and decided that because the easements were pre- existing, <br />and due to the fact that this plat would create a better situation <br />than currently exists, and the Planner's comments that this plat <br />meets the intent and spirit of the ordinance; the plat should be <br />approved. <br />MOTION: Mr. Cody moved to recommend to Council approval of the <br />application by Roselyn Van Elsberg, dated 4/19/85 for a preliminary <br />plat and variance to lot size, for property located at 8017 20th Ave <br />No., Hugo, as legally desribed on the application. The variance <br />to minimum lot size should be allowed, as it relates to Section 4, <br />Subdivision 6(2), because the applicant meets the requirements of <br />unique characteristic with regard to the easements, and the hard- <br />ship is not due to financial considerations alone, nor will the <br />plat have a negative impact on the adjoining property values in <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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