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11/13/1985 P&Z Agenda & Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/13/1985 P&Z Agenda & Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />145 <br />PLANNING & ZONING <br />November 13, 1985 <br />Chairman McLean called to order the regular meeting of the Lino <br />Lakes Planning and Zoning Board at 7 :07 P.M., Wednesday, November <br />13, 1985. Members present: Goldade, Ostlie, Klaus, Prokop, Doocy, <br />Cody. Members absent: none. Also present were Zack Johnson, City <br />Planner; Pete Kluegel, Building Officials Shar Foster, Secretary. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br />September 11, 1985 Minutes - Mr. Doocy moved to approve the minutes <br />as presented. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />October 9, 1985 Minutes - Mr. Prokop moved to approve the minutes <br />as presented. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported the results of the recent City election whereby <br />Mr. Reinert and Mr. Bisel won the two Council seats and Mr. Benson <br />won the Mayor's seat. <br />He also reported that Mr. Joyer, representing El Rehbein & Sons has <br />dropped his request for a variance to setback requirements for a <br />proposed home at Totem Trail and Birch Street. This item was dis- <br />cussed at the two latest P & Z meetings. <br />Mr. Volk, Public Works Director and Mr. Bruggeman, West Oaks devel- <br />oper will be meeting on November 14 to discuss the street situation <br />in West Oaks to see if the present condition is acceptable until <br />spring. The Council recently extended Mr. Bruggeman's letter of <br />credit allowing him additional time beyond 1985 year end in which <br />to complete West Oaks streets. <br />CITY PLANNER - DAY CARE ORDINANCE AND PLATTING ORDINANCE <br />Platting Ordinance - The Board referred to Mr. Hawkins! (City <br />Attorney) letter of 11/4/85 regarding the subdivision ordinance <br />and the attachment to that letter (proposed amendment to subdivi- <br />sion ordinance). This proposed amendment would require all sub- <br />divisions to be reviewed by the P & Z Board, and the applicant <br />may not be required to submit a formal plat should the Building <br />Official recommend so and the Council agree. <br />MOTION: Mr. Prokop moved to recommend to Council approval of <br />the proposed amendment with the following changes: 1) Mr. Kluegel's <br />title be changed consistently throughout the amendment to "Building <br />and Zoning Official ", and 2) Paragraph (e) "The zoning . . . of <br />this ordinance" be stricken, because it is redundant. Mr. Ostlie <br />seconded the motion with carried unanimously. <br />Day Care Ordinance - Mr. Kluegel stated that he was recently approached <br />by Mr. Hank Amundsen regarding operating a day care center at his <br />property on Lake Drive. Mr. Amundsen would be renting the property <br />to the day care center currently operating at the Gethsemane United <br />Methodist Church on Lake Drive. The lease for the current operation <br />will expire on December 31, 1985, therefore he needs to know as soon. <br />
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