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01/14/1987 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/14/1987 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />• <br />• <br />PLANNING F ZONING BOARD <br />January 14, 1987 <br />Acting Chairman McLean called to order the regular meeting of the <br />Lino Lakes Planning & Zoning meeting at 7:00 P.M., Wednesday, <br />January 14, 1987. Members present: Cody, Nelson, Averbeck. Mr. <br />Prokop joined the meeting at 7:05 P.M. Mr. Doocy and Mrs. Klaus <br />have resigned from the Board at termination of their service term. <br />Others present: Mr. Kluegel, Building Official; Mr. Johnson, City <br />Planner: Mr. Bisel and Mr. Bohjanen, Councilmen; and Mrs. Foster, <br />Secretary. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - December 10, 1986 <br />Mr. Cody moved to approve the 12/10/86 minutes as presented. Mrs. <br />Averbeck seconded the motion which carried unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE - Ken Chapeau <br />Mr. Kluegel, Mr. Chapeau and Mr. Johnson explained that Mr. Chapeau <br />has constructed on his one -acre parcel an 8' X 16' storage area to <br />the rear of his 24' X 32' detached garage. According to Section 4, <br />Subd. 7 of the zoning ordinance Mr. Chapeau would be allowed: one <br />tool shed (max. 120 sq. ft.), one detached garage (if no attached <br />garage), one storage building (max. 800 ft.). <br />The zoning question is an interpretation of the ordinance. Can a <br />tool shed or storage building be attached to the detached garage if <br />the square footage limits are met? Mr. Johnson, in his 12/23/86 memo <br />stated his professional opinion that the ordinance does not address <br />or prohibit one or more accessory buildings from being attached <br />to each other and that in some cases this may be preferable to <br />separate buildings on the lot. He asked the Board for their inter- <br />pretation and the intent of the accessory building ordinance. <br />The consensus of the Board was that the intent of the ordinance was <br />to allow separate structures which do not share any common walls. <br />Mr. Chapeau asked whether a variance could be granted. Because a <br />variance would require proof of a hardship of the land, which does <br />not exist, Mr. Chapeau was told that a variance would not be granted. <br />Mr. Chapeau was directed to work with the Building Official to arrive <br />at a redesign of the structures which would follow the accessory <br />building ordinance with separate structures. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported the following actions taken at December 86 and <br />January 87 Council meetings: <br />- Conditional Use Permit Amendment was approved for Robert Kohl <br />dba Bob's Auto Ranch with stipulation that no cars be parked <br />on grass and all non - sellable cars be screened. <br />- Conditional Use Permit for Kennel License was approved for <br />James Flannery. <br />
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