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03/11/1987 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/11/1987 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />PLANNING & ZONING BOARD <br />March 11, 1987 <br />Page Two <br />Permit would require a public hearing and limits on exterior storage, <br />etc. Applicant was told to get this information from the Building <br />Official. The consensus of the Board was that they were not <br />adverse to considering the proposal since it appears to be moving <br />in the direction the City intends to go ", <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported the following recent Council actions: <br />- The minor subdivision request of Vernon Wahlberg was withdrawn <br />before Council consideration. <br />- The site and building plan of Custom Manufacturing for an in- <br />jection molding plant was approved by Council. <br />- The minor subdivision request of Donald McShannock was approved <br />with the stipulation that the planner's and engineer's recom- <br />mendations be followed completely. <br />- The Comprehensive Plan has been submitted to the Metropolitan <br />Council with the recommendation that the 21 acre lots on the <br />west side of 35E remain "rural ". <br />- The second reading of the ordinance calling for a "Central <br />Business District" was approved. <br />- Council referred the "building standards" ordinance to the <br />Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Committee for <br />their review and input. Those meetings have been set. <br />- Zack Johnson has been reappointed to serve as the City Planner. <br />KEN CHAPEAU - VARIANCE TO ACCESSORY BUILDING ORDINANCE <br />Mr. and Mrs. Chapeau appeared for the third consecutive month regard- <br />ing the storage area which they added to their garage. (See January <br />1987 and February 1987 minutes.) Per P & Z's request, Mr. Kluegel <br />has determined that it would cost approximately $250 to bring the <br />storage area to state code and have the siding match the garage. <br />These changes would still leave the area attached to the garage. <br />Mrs. Chapeau stated that at the time the garage was built the former <br />building official was aware of the storage area that the Chapeau's <br />had planned; at that time there was no accessory building ordinance <br />which would prohibit the storage area; years later (when the storage <br />area was actual built) they did not know they would be violating an <br />ordinance by attaching the storage area. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Chapeau claimed that there would be no other place on <br />their lot on which to build the storage area since their lot has <br />such high water table. They felt that the only possibility would <br />•be next to their home which they felt would be unsightly. It was <br />the City Planner's opinion that 50% of the property has water table <br />problems. <br />Linda Carlson, a neighbor to the Chapeau's, appeared and said that <br />the Chapeau's have done a very good job of improving and maintaining <br />their property, the neighbors were petitioned and were not opposed <br />
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