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02/12/1986 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
02/12/1986 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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t <br />• <br />• <br />PLANNING ? ZONING BOARD <br />February 12, 1986 <br />Chairman Doocy called to order the regular meeting of the Lino Lakes <br />Planning & Zoning Board at 7:04 P.M., Wednesday, February 12, 1986. <br />All members - McLean, Cody, Klaus and Prokop - were in attendance. <br />Two vacancies still exist on the Board. Also present were Building <br />Official, Pete Kluegel and Secretary, Shar Foster. The newly- appointed <br />liaison to the Council, Mr. Bisel, was ill and did not attend. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br />January 8, 1986 - Mrs. Klaus moved to approve the minutes of the 1/8/86 <br />meeting as presented. Mr. Cody seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />January 15, 1986 - Mr. McLean moved to approve these minutes for the <br />organizational meeting of the comprehensive plan review task force on <br />1/15/86 as presented. Mr. Prokop seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />OPEN MIKE - (Tom Zangala - Frontage Problem) <br />Mr. Locher, legal counsel for Mr. Zangala and Ms. Singleton, appeared <br />before the Board explaining a problem situation which exists on Mr. <br />Zangala's/Ms. Singleton's property. A parcel of property lying behind <br />the VFW building was purchased by Zangala /Singleton and they would <br />like to apply for a building permit for a single family home on the <br />property. The ordinance requires that a parcel of property have <br />frontage on an approved roadway before construction. The roadway <br />on which the property fronts is the future Lois Lane. Currently <br />Lois Lane is completed only a short distance and stops before the <br />property in question. <br />Mr. Zangala mentioned that he was directed earlier by the City Council <br />to present a petition signed by all the property owners along Lois <br />Lane which would (potentially) benefit from completion of the street. <br />He said that in contacting the two other property owners involved, he <br />learned that both would be interested in putting through the street, <br />but neither was interested in paying any assessments since their <br />properties are vacant. <br />Mr. Zangala /Ms. Singleton were told that they should work with the <br />Building Official and the City Administrator in trying to put together <br />an arrangement including a letter of credit in order that the street <br />can be completed, at least far enough to provide frontage for their <br />property. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported that the Mayor h4s- appointed Mr. Bisel as the <br />Planning $ Zoning Board liaison. <br />1110 Roland Ford Update - Mr. Kluegel reported that the City is in receipt <br />of an escrow of $4,000 from Mr. Ford., If Mr. Ford does not clean up <br />his property to the satisfaction of the Building Official by 4/15/86, <br />
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