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03/12/1986 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
03/12/1986 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />• <br />• <br />PLANNING & ZONING BOARD <br />March 12, 1986 <br />Chairman Doocy called to order the regular meeting of the Lino Lakes <br />Planning and Zoning Board at 7:04 P.M., Wednesday, March 12 1986. <br />Present: New members Cheryl Nelson and Arlene Averbeck; Klaus, <br />Prokop. Absent: McLean, Cody. Also present were the City Planner, <br />Zack Johnson; Building Official, Pete Kluegel; Council Liaison, Harold <br />Bisel and Secretary, Shar Foster. <br />Mr. Doocy, Mrs. Klaus and Mr. Prokop welcomed the new members Mrs. <br />Nelson and Mrs. Averbeck. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - February 12 Regular Meeting /February 19 <br />Comprehensive Plan Review Meeting <br />MOTION: Mrs. Klaus moved to table consideration of the minutes of <br />the 2/12/86 meeting until a quorum of that meeting's attendees is <br />present. Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Motion carried unanimously. <br />MOTION: Mr. Prokop moved to table consideration of the minutes of <br />the 2/19/86 comp plan meeting until a quorum of that meeting's atten- <br />dees is present. Seconded by Mrs. Klaus. Motion carried unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE (Commercial Asphalt Company) <br />Mr. Gary Sauer, President of the Commercial Asphalt Company appeared <br />before the Board introducing his proposal to set up and operate an <br />asphalt plant at the southwest corner of 35E and County Rd. 14, and <br />asking the Board for its feelings on this proposal. <br />Mr. Sauer explained that his type of business is regulated by strict <br />standards by the EPA and PCA for pollution and safety hazards. He <br />provided a letter of recommendation from the Public Works Director <br />at the City of Maple Grove, where Commercial Asphalt Company presently <br />does business. <br />The plant he is proposing is a "portable plant" whereby the equipment <br />is not permanently built on the property and could be dismantled and <br />moved. Because the plant would not be a permanent fixture, the City <br />would not realize a tax benefit for the plant. Mr. Sauer stated that <br />the benefit to the City would be that the asphalt would be convenient <br />for local construction companies and thus the cost to the local con- <br />sumer would be decreased. <br />Concern was expressed by the Board that this location, though very <br />convenient for the asphalt company, would be more suitable to a dif- <br />ferent type of business (possibly shopping center) in the future. <br />Mr. Sauer explained the procedures used for pollution and odor con- <br />trol and also that aggregate would be stockpiled to about 25' piles. <br />Mr. Prokop asked if this operation would be similar to T. A. Schifsky's <br />in North St. Paul. Mr. Sauer said no, that this operation would not <br />have any paving equipment or other equipment or trucks located on site. <br />When questioned regarding spillage, Mr. Sauer stated that the entire <br />area where a spill could occur is enclosed by concrete walls to avoid <br />problems. <br />
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