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04/09/1986 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
04/09/1986 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />PLANNING & ZONING BOARD <br />April 9, 1986 <br />Chairman Doocy called to order the regular meeting of the Lino Lakes <br />Planning & Zoning Board at 7:04 P.M., Wednesday, April 9, 1986. All <br />boardmembers were present (Prokop, Nelson, Klaus, McLean, Averbeck, <br />Cody). Also present were City Planner, Zack Johnson; Council Liaison, <br />Harold Bisel; Building Official, Pete Kluegel; and Secretary, Shar Foster. <br />- CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br />February 12, 1986 - Mr. Cody moved to approve the minutes of the <br />2/12/86 meeting as presented. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion which <br />carried unanimously. <br />March 12, 1986 - Mrs. Averbeck moved to approve the minutes of the <br />3/12/86 meeting as presented. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried with Mr. Cody and Mr. McLean abstaining. <br />Comprehensive Plan Review Minutes - Consideration of these minutes <br />should be taken care of by the Comp Plan Task Force. All P & Z members <br />have been receiving copies of the minutes for their information whether <br />or not they attend the meetings. <br />- OPEN MIKE <br />• Self Service Car Wash - Mr. Otte - Mr. Otte came before the Board <br />asking the feasibility of constructing and operating a self- service <br />car wash on a parcel of land on Lilac St., west of Lake Drive (zoned <br />GB). His plans would call for blacktopping on all the area on which <br />cars drive, also no exterior storage. <br />Mr. Johnson felt that this particular use was not addressed within the <br />ordinance; the most similar type of use would be a service station re- <br />quiring a conditional use permit. Mr. Cody felt it unreasonable to <br />require the applicant to go through a rezone simply because this type <br />of use was not addressed in the ordinance and suggested the applicant <br />pursue a text amendment to allow a car wash in the GB zone. Mr. Prokop <br />suggested that the applicant work with the City Engineer to approve <br />a suitable sewage plan and make this plan part of a complete package, <br />with the assistance of the Building Official. <br />Smaller Lot Sizes - Mr. & Mrs. Morehouse - Mr. & Mrs. Morehouse ex- <br />plained that presently their property on 79th Street is zoned ER which <br />requires five acres per lot and they were under the impression that <br />other ER zones within Lino Lakes are being allowed to have one acre <br />lots. They also want one acre lots for their property. <br />Mr. McLean explained that all ER zones within Lino Lakes require five <br />acres per lot minimum and that no area has been given any exception <br />to that rule. He further explained that the Comprehensive Plan Task <br />Force is currently considering making some changes, however, this will <br />be a long process and will require public hearings, etc. before approval. <br />He invited Mr. & Mrs. Morehouse to attend the next Comp Plan Task Force <br />meeting on April 16. <br />
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