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08/08/1984 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
08/08/1984 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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0\K <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />August 8, 1984 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />ilk order by Chairman McLean at 7:35 P.M. on Wednesday, August 8, 1984. <br />mbers present: Goldade, Prokop, Cody, Doocy, Ostlie. Members absent: <br />Klaus. Others in attendance: Mr. Kulaszewicz, Mr. Kluegel, Mrs. Foster. <br />MINUTES - JULY 11, 1984 <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve the minutes of July 11, 1984 as presented. Sec- <br />onded by Mr. Cody. Motion carried. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel brought the Board up to date after the July 23 Council meeting <br />at which time the Council approved the site and building plan for Larry <br />Grubbs' Apitz Garage; approved Mr. Cardarelli's request to construct a <br />pond on his property; approved the amendments to transmission tower section <br />of the ordinance; and approved the request by Planning and Zoning for a <br />120 -day moratorium on dog kennels and a resolution on this issue is to <br />appear on the August 13 Council agenda. <br />Mr. Doocy noted that on the third page, fourth paragraph of July 23 Council <br />minutes, it is noted that the Council did not seem to understand the Plan- <br />ning and Zoning Board's intent regarding "all off street parking area" por- <br />tion of the "Surfacing and Drainage" section of the Parking Ordinance. Mr. <br />Doocy felt that this item should be included as an agenda item in the future <br />in order to clarify the ordinance and eliminate any further misunderstanding. <br />Or . Doocy also requested that in the future could the Council minutes be <br />prepared so as not to refer to an issue by the "item number on the agenda" <br />(such as was done on page 4, third and fourth paragraphs, July 23 minutes). <br />The Board was in agreement that a specific subject title should be included <br />in the minutes so as not to cause confusion. <br />BOB JOHNSON - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - DOG KENNEL <br />This item is a continuation from the last meeting, when the Board asked Mr. <br />Johnson to return after working out any potential problems with future <br />nearby neighbor, Mr. Erickson. Mr. Erickson attended the last meeting and <br />voiced some concern with Mr. Johnson's request. <br />Mr. Johnson reported that he and Mr. Erickson met as requested by the Board. <br />The outcome of that meeting was as follows: 1) Mr. Johnson would agree to <br />remove the existing kennel and construct another in a location where the <br />Johnson home would block the view of the kennel from the Erickson home at <br />the time of Erickson home construction (Mr. Erickson did not feel: this <br />would be necessary), 2) Mr. Johnson could rebuild the kennel in a heavily <br />wooded area (out of view of Erickson home, but in view of other neighbors, <br />whose view could be blocked by construction of a garage or shed which is <br />allowed Mr. Johnson by City Ordinance), 3) If any problems were to come up <br />within a one -year 'trial period', Mr. Johnson would agree to close his <br />kennel completely, because he feels confident there would be no problems. <br />1r. Johnson asked the Board to allow him to leave the kennel as is until <br />spring of 1985 due to the fact that he currently has an out -of -town job <br />
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